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When Mrs. Ugwanyi asked me to help her with a few notes I did not expect the heap of hard cover notes that weakened my hand and blocked my vision. She told me to deliver them to the commerce student in SS2C.

Carefully, I made my way out of the administrative block where the staff room was located and taking dainty steps and I was about to make my way into the student's block but at the entrance, I along with the notes came crashing down.

"God!" I exclaimed, picking up my glasses, using my black skirt to dab through it a little. I wore them back only to meet a pair of dreamy brown eyes-the same eyes that took my breath away every time I saw them from afar.

" Are you alright?" Isaac apologized, with a grin.

Of course. I forgive you. You are Isaac. I tried to force words out of my mouth but the only thing I could mutter was. " Mhm. . ."

I am a freak.

To cover my awkwardness, I began to pick the notes one by one.

" let me help you up with that. " He offered, joining me.

Chisom. Your dream guy is right in front of you; say something.

I did not know what to say but all I could think about was how his brown skin tone glowed and how tamed his thick black hair was-a gimmick to look presentable in the eyes of teachers and then how his arm muscles flexed each time a book was lifted up.

" Dude! " said a thick voice from behind me. I turned, staring face to face with Tobi whose furrowed brows and raised eyebrow told me enough of what was unsaid.

" Coming." Isaac said, placing the book into my hand, his finger brushing ever so slightly against mine. He winked and then left.

Wait, he winked.

Did he just wink at me or at the red hibiscus flowers outside?

I turned, watching their growing masculine body walk away. After today, he would probably forget bumping into me. I would most likely fade away and just be another school girl in his eyes.


It was time for break and excitements could barely be contained as students trooped out of the block heading toward the cafeteria unit also known as the Food Zone.

I headed out with David who was telling me all about the coding class he was attending and how he was planning on creating an app like Mark Zuckerberg in the nearest future. He offered me a position as his VP which I politely declined; they were too many things in my head at the moment and not enough space for coding.

Besides, my plans for this term was simple and already drafted; I would kill my crush on Isaac because we all know there was no fairytale ending for the both of us.

I would try my possible best to excel throughout this term and then, the hardest thing on my list would be moving on.

Is it possible to move on since the mysteries surrounding her death still lingered in my mind?

Many students were seated in the cafeteria feasting on their happy meals and carrying small talks. I purchased Jollof Rice and Plantain plus a bottle of water; unfortunately there was no appetite for meat today while David had yam and egg sauce. We carried our meal off in the trays, scouting for free seats in the jam-packed setting.

" Hey!" A loud voice called from behind.

We smiled and walked to the last red table at the back where Ruth Uba was seated.

" Ruthie!" David said, fist bumping her before taking his seat.

" How are you Ruth?" I asked, taking a seat on one of the black plastic chairs that matched the bottom piece of our uniform.

" You know me. " Ruth said, waving a toothed smile. She was always in a jovial mood. I had never seen her unhappy even when she was asked to drop out of the science class and asked to pick between Art and Commerce-she had happily left to Art. " How about you Chisom?" She asked, twirling her spaghetti on her fork.

I said, " Ok. "

" I'm here too. " David said, with grinds of yam in his mouth.

" Abeg e. " Ruth shooed, parting her locs to the side and rushing a fork full of spaghetti into her mouth.

Break felt different, without Isioma who would have been sitting next to me; taking out of my Jollof Rice and me taking out of her Fried Rice or her teasing David about his SS1 crush on me or her reaching out to repeatedly touch Ruth's locs that reminded her so much of her favorite girl duo; Chloe × Halle. Because of them, she made plans to loc her hair after SS2.

" Don't you guys think it's weird?" Ruth asked, sipping her bottle of sprite through a straw.

" What?" David said, his eyes leaning closer, probably wondering where Ruth was heading to.

" How Isioma died?" Ruth said, with ease.

The drums in my chest started banging and suddenly the jollof rice had began to taste spoilt in my mouth. Why had she brought it up?

Why wouldn't she? My internal voice said, betraying my wishes.

Then as if I wasn't sitting close to him, David began to shake his head; a form of warning Ruth not to go there but she was Ruth and she would always say what was on her mind.

" like look at it from this way. Last term; Two days before our examination, Habib jumps off the room for reasons best known to him and members of the Prestige and then on the day of our examination Isioma jumps off, leaving behind no reason as to why she jumped off. I mean if she was going through something she should have come to one of us especially Chisom; you guys are basically sisters. She should have told us something, we would have helped and -"

" Ruth that's enough, let's talk about something else. " David said, concerns for me written all over his face.

" There is only one thing we need to talk about. ISIOMA. look, only depressed people commit suicide so the question that should be on our lips is what made Isioma depressed?"

I used my weight to push my chair backwards, the screech of the chair against the tiled floor sounding exactly like the screech that was forming in my ear. I got up and ran out of the cafeteria in desperate need of fresh air.


" Way to go Ruth. "

How's the book going readers? And tell me; Have you ever bumped into your crush and behaved like Chisom? ( I hope not)

Also; Chisom needs time and space to breathe so that's why the next chapter is going to be about the one and only Inioluwa.

Don't miss it. ( Trust me you wouldn't want to miss it. )

Don't forget to vote and comment.
See ya. 🌚


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