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Inioluwa's POV

Mr. Nwogu aka Mr. Pot belly passed the best news he had ever passed in his English class. There was an upcoming essay competition and the school had selected three students and obviously I was selected as one of the students thanks to my remarkable entry piece on ' The Nigeria Of My Dream. '

The news flipped my entire stomach upside down and I had to control myself from getting on top my desk to dance and whine my waist. How weird would that be?

The future Queen Bee and head girl Of Epiphany High acting like a vagabond. Absolutely not. I would wait for closing time and then celebrate with the whole gang.

Speaking of the whole gang, something was off today. No–not with me of course my uniform was outstandingly perfect and neatly ironed, my braids were done in a cute side swoop and not a single hair was out from its root and my skin and face was flawless. I was perfect as usual but it was them. They had been acting strange.

Zarah–we did not go over the plans and goals for the day which was something we were both obsessed with doing together.

Tobi–oddly enough did not tease me about the massive pimple that had appeared on my forehead during the holiday; I got rid of it because there was no way I would show up at school with a zit. Not my best accessory.

Phoebe–did not fill my ear with all the deeds from The Kardashians; even though I had no interest in watching them.

Isaac–had been acting different from his usually Romeo ways, it seemed like he had other things in his mind; things I could never tell because even though we had been dating since SS1, there was still many things I did not know about him. Many things I did not know about them.

Friends tell each other everything right? I mean, we're a gang and we still come over to each others houses to have fun, to party, to get shit done and to choose our next target. If Mrs. Ugwanyi thought not giving a damn about her Math class was bad enough, she should check out what we did to her car. Poor woman should register herself in the mental institution because this term we were out to drive her insane and the reason was because she had given Isaac a B in his math when he had worked so hard to get an A.

Or. . .could the reason for this oddity be as a result of Habib's sudden death and Daniella's expulsion.

For Daniella, she brought it on herself. That girl was an addict–she did it anywhere with anybody who would give in to her. First, it was the SS3 Art boy; they had done it in the art studio after he had painted her naked, there was also the SS1 science boy who was apparently a good friend of hers and the last straw was the chemistry teacher who was a dumbass for letting a teenage girl end his teaching career.

And Habib's death had pained us all especially Zarah who had a strong bond with her cousin (something I did not really understand knowing that I did not care about my cousins at all. ) it really got me thinking, what would make a Prestige take his own life? Our lives were perfect. Our lives were enviable by all. We had it all and we did not have the right to take our lives when things were going great. Habib's death could be the reason why Zarah's energy was off but not the rest.

I looked out the window, to catch a whiff of that cool air that bristled through the trees and then I looked back at Zarah who sat next to me to shoot her a smile; a smile that would tell her that she could come over and we could get our nails done and re-watch Blood sisters over and over but she wasn't even looking in my direction nor the teacher. Her entire attention was on something she was vigorously writing; it appeared to be in a note and then she folded it and passed it to Isaac who sat at the last seat in the back.

What was that?

I was not jealous or anything perhaps they were chatting about football. Isaac was the co-captain of the football team and Zarah was an enthusiastic football fan who also happened to be my co-captain of my cheer leading team but as for me, I did not care about a sport that involved men chasing a ball around.

The note came back to Zarah and she smiled as she wrote.

" What's that?" I whispered to her hearing.

Zarah looked at me, her smile ceasing straight away. " Nothing. " she said in her British accent, something she acquired from practically growing up there. She looked away and tossed the scrambled paper back to him.

I nodded and picked up my pen to twirl it around.

She was right. It's nothing. I gaped at her and instead of pushing the matter farther, I tried to make out what hairstyle she had under her hijab.

Two steps.

All back.

She had long hair and preferred to rock her natural hair during school terms. Something I admired about her, I was also considering giving my hair the big chop to start again with my natural hair following her guidance. I could try out rice water. I heard it works like a charm.

The Principal's secretary Miss. Patricia Abbe walked into the class, swaying her hips to every side, we all reluctantly got up to greet her which she responded back with a hearty smile. She made a light conversation with Mr. Pot belly before turning her attention to the class.

" Miss. Ruby Inioluwa Adewale. " Miss. Abbe called out my name in full. " You are needed in the disciplinarian room. "


ME: Inioluwa, what did you do?

ALSO ME: I know you know.

What did you guys think about Ini's point of view? I don't know about y'll but I just love her.

Thank you all for the support so far.

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