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Some students were expelled, others suspended for issues related to hard drugs.

An illicit affair between a male teacher and female student caught and handled with immediate effect.

Unidentified objects found in a mysterious school bag.

Two students on different occasions committed suicide by jumping off the rooftop of the student's block.

One of the student's death had left a hole in my heart.

All this and many more were the highlights of the last academic session in Epiphany High School. Resumption week had kicked in and I already wanted to crawl back into the holiday season.

Sometimes I wished I was home schooled, I did not care for any of the drama school had to offer and I did not like being locked up in a confined space where stereotypes and clichés were being pressed on students.

School was supposed to be a safe space where eager students like me were provided with a conducive learning experience but this school made me dread my life so much the thoughts of running away filled my head more than the elements in the periodic table. I can't help but feel ungrateful sometimes when I should be glad–glad my dad enrolled me in one of the best private schools in Abuja. The least I could do was make him proud by excelling in all my studies.

I gazed up at my dad with my concave lens as he drove me to school. I won the dad lottery with him–I don't think I'd ever expect to have a caring father like him since I was unplanned for. My mother left because she could not handle raising a child, he could have done the same to me he didn't. He decided to raise me even though he had little to no experience in raising a child. Let alone a female child. One who struggled with body changes, hormones and the blood.

Trust me having my dad explain to me what menstruation was, was very confusing let alone the topic. Luckily for me, I had the internet. Google answered all my questions but Google could never take away the amount of love I had for him. 

" We are here. " My dad announced, easing his car into a space in the parking lot. 

" Dad. . .you don't have to say that every time we get here. " I said, placing my thick biology textbook into my bag. It had completely escaped my mind that I had a  book on my lap in the first place.

" Chisom. I know it hasn't been easy for you since the incident but -" Dad said, removing his seatbelt to face me. I stared back at him, his fair skin glowing from using the coconut oil I introduced him to.

My head fell. " I'm fine. " I forced a smile and zipped up my bag. " It's fine. "

He placed a warm hand on my shoulder. " I want you to remember that she would want you to keep on going, she would want you to move on. "

My glasses got foggy. Would she really want that? Would she really want me to move on like she never existed?

He pulled me in for a hug. " She would want you to go on without her. She can never be forgotten. "

" I'll try. " I said, coming down from the car. I made my way out the parking lot, got scanned and showed my identification card to the security officer then made my way into the school.

The cold morning breeze calmed the internal heat of my brain. I pulled my dark red blazer closer and quickly walked past the administrative block, past the large fountain and into the student's block. I evaded my fellow students that poured out of the block on their way to the assembly hall and walked up the stairs; to the second floor into my class SS2A - science students class.

The room was empty or so I thought as my ears caught the distinct muttering of words that was coming from the back of the class. At the back, stood the famous couple; Isaac Lawson and Inioluwa Adewale.

Isaac was pressed up against Inioluwa's body; his mouth whispering sweetened words into her ears, words I secretly wished would be whispered to me and his hands caressed her cheeks so lovingly. It almost felt like I was in a cinema watching a romantic movie. His head bent slowly and her mouth was getting ready to receive his until she directed her attention to me and with a sneer she said, " What are you looking at?"

I shook my head back to reality when I noticed that both their attention were on me now. " Sorry. " I muttered, keeping my head low and moving quietly to the middle row; to my front seat.

A loud hiss came out of Inioluwa's mouth–a hiss directed to me.

" Babe. It's okay. " Isaac's deep-toned voice said, apologetically. " Let's just go. " He said, pulling her hands away but she much rather glare at me.

Before she finally agreed, he said into her ear in an audible tone, " We still have break. " And they left, hands in hands.

They were gone. I was alone in the light blue walled room and singular chaired class that now housed school bags of different types. I sighed. Guys like Isaac would never look at Girls like me when Girls like Inioluwa existed. Girls whose life ran on beauty, brains and body and bundles of money.

I only had one out of all those things and it only worked in getting recognition from teachers and cheeky comments from peers. I bet even if  I stepped into Inioluwa's shoes, he wouldn't still care about my existence.

I glanced at the seat next to me. Isioma's seat. If she were here, her blue bag would have been on it. Blue was our favourite colour. It reminded her of the ocean; she liked the feel of the water against her cocoa skin and as for me; I was reminded of the sky. There was something ethereal about it; whenever I looked up at the skies it felt like I was staring at something beyond my human understanding.

" All SS1, SS2 and SS3 students kindly leave the block and make your way to the assembly hall. " A loud voice through a megaphone hauled in.

That was my cue. I zipped open my bag , grabbed my biology textbook and as I made my way out of the student's block.

One question stayed on my mind; What was going to be the buzz of the day?



" Unclose your mind. You are not a prisoner. You are a bird in flight, searching the skies for dreams. " - Haruki Murakami.

This is actually the first time I am writing a book that takes place in high school. The whole high school concept sounds amazing to me because high school ( or senior secondary school) leaves a mark on us positively or negatively so don't stop now, keep on going but be warned; This is not the normal high school story that you know.

The MC's are going to feel it all; heartbreak, love, betrayal, bitterness, sadness and many more but that's all part of the high school (SSS) experience. Right?

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