23 Leal

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The training ring could either be one of the best or the worst way to forget the incidents of the past

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The training ring could either be one of the best or the worst way to forget the incidents of the past. Even if it only meant a few minutes of liberty, it is what I want. Two girls, unarmed fight each other with a cordial ferocity, combatting and revolting with the skills they have acquired under the guidance of their mentors. They are the Aces of years prior, while one is said to govern the current the other has control over water. Two deadly powers that intervenes with nature tingles at the tip of their finger. And yet they fight fair as mortals in the ring while the rest of us watch with keen eyes.

I am too deep in eagerness to feel the presence of Dorin beside me until he speaks up.

"Easy there. Some might suspect you of catching feelings for one of the twins by the way you keep gaping at them" He says standing with his hand clasped behind.

"They are twins?" Though they both have blonde hair, no other features of their resemble.

"Lara and Cara?" He nods "Yes"

"So that's their name"

"They can wield-

"I know what they can do," I say while the taller girl, who I suspect was Lara dunks at the moment to evade a nasty kick to her shoulder blade. There's an abrupt cheer from some of the watchers who paid attention like me.

"And yet you were unaware of their names?" I do not have to look at him to know that he has his expression schooled to be snoopy. I crouch on one of my knees to fasten the laces of my boots, still keeping an eye on the fight. It's been a week since the incident that shook the very foundation of ordinance in Antar. With many injured and the death of the king- the secrets kept so far have evolved into a conspiracy of the present. The people have begun to voice questions and fears, while some blame Rixile the remainder suspect war. With the eruption of chaos, the demand for explanations has created a lawlessness in the land. The kingdom is now in the hands of a twenty-two-year-old boy who hides his true strength beneath a sheath.

And I could only imagine the weight that must have harbored upon his shoulders as his coronation nears.

A ticking terror settles in my chest when I think of that night. The Avloths had almost had me and if weren't for the intervention of Ezdan I could have been long gone by now. What would they have done to me if had they succeeded? Where do they live? How do they rule?

What is it that they want from me?

These questions haunt my nights and the only time I am not thinking of the affliction is when I get to watch random Armins fight in the ring.

The Aces and the remaining of the treasured warriors from the Found under the training were immediately escorted to the underground shelter after the attack. With an excavation bunker to sleep in and coaching halls to loiter there isn't much we could do. Privacy was a myth here. So any question that Dorin had for me- never left his heart. But the manner his gaze would always find me I know he knows that I am no more the same girl he grew up with.

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