18 Apricity

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People of wattpad. This chapter hasn't been edited. You...have been warned.

And also I sprained my ankle and is put on three weeks rest. So be kind and vote for this chapter :)

In early morning, when sun is shy of day and the wind rises by east- I sit by the log of a dead oak in the wake of a sleepless night

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In early morning, when sun is shy of day and the wind rises by east- I sit by the log of a dead oak in the wake of a sleepless night. 'The snow will melt once the sun is up' I would believe. I would dream. My teeth bites at the chill, and my pale, sickly fingers squeeze the fur cape and any layers one must wear to keep them alive at the hour. My heart is faint against the snickers of Ivyaki. It laughs at my hope as I stare at the horizon.

The Glaze is a dead land. And the people living in its heart- are dead than the death itself.

But not me.

Not me, never me as I thaw with desires. Frost nibbles at my skin. Cheek and lip are the most sensitive. I dip my hand in a gorge of water, a sheet of ice warns me- but I slit past it- at first, the water hesitates, but then it stabs. There is no wound and no blood, but the pain is worse than what a fissure would inflict. My lips parts at the horror and my throat would parch like a drought. Not that I ever knew what drought is like.

The numbness that approaches later isn't a relief. If left, the blood my veins carry will freeze. My lips tremble when I remove my arm, my nails are blue my skin is red with fury. My gasp is weak as I fold my fingers, my eyes dry without tears.

But my hope rages when I look at the Glaze.

And past it, I see my future.

The ferocity that encloses me is atrocious. Refusing to abide by the Ezdans induced slumber I nod my head, waking the impassive state of my body i stirred in his arms. We were out of the brothel's bath into a private passage. Perhaps it's anterior of the building where none bothers to stroll along or some forgotten space, lost with time and life. Something like Ivyaki. Or they merely evacuated at the abrupt anxiety from the attacks. After all, they are not warriors.

A shiver lights through me, not from the water that has me drenched- but from the cold Ezdans stare was.

But mine burns through him.

"You bastard"

The shock of my words is evident in the stiffness of his clutch and the pause of his steps. His face acquires a slight surprise that is absent from his seamless voice.


"I know you heard me the first wise, stop the act of a fool and the use of your sheath to ridicule my consciousness" my tongue is filled with turmoil, but my voice- a sleepy pup that's dozing off "Put me down"

His brows shot the lightest, but he does what's commanded. Peels his hand away as the sole of my feet is set by the floor. The tranquillity vanishes immediately and my vision spurs into clearance. My fingers lock against each other as I mapped how tall he stood. The air is picky this dusk as it keeps filling my lungs- causing my breaths to harden- displaying my weakness like a fabric to him. Reminding him that despite my anger, it's fear of him that would win.

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