Chapter 13

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"Nik! Look what I've found!!"

What? Where was I?

I walked around the unknown place.. woods.

I saw him, again.

This time he was running to Rebekah.

"What is it?" He asked her.

I sat down on a rock near them, watching them.

"It's a snail! Look at how cute it is!!" The younger one giggled.

His smile..

Such a pretty smile.

Why did I always have to make it disappear..?

I watched as they pet the snail.

He was smiling..

Why can't I make him smile like that..?

I woke up.

I was alone.. duh.

No Katerina to talk to me..


I looked around my room, and I was still in the mysterious shirt.

"The hell..?" I shrugged it off as the memories of last night appeared in my head.

I sighed, walking to my bathroom to take a quick shower.

The feeling was wonderful..

Once I was out, I got into a fresh pair of clothing and I headed downstairs. "Emma? Are you here?" I asked.

No response.

I shrugged it off before vamping to the Salvatore's house and I heard talking from inside..










I tried to hear what they were talking about..


I walked in through the doors, eyes peering over towards me.

"Elena.." Bonnie mumbled, staring in my direction.

I scoffed quietly, looking around.

"First. Katerina I haven't heard from you in days! What the hell?! Second. Klaus what the hell? You just leave me hanging last night? Third. Why is everyone here.. talking about me?" I asked, pointing towards myself, walking inside more.

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