Chapter 7

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Those 3 months went by as a flash. I was slipping from my control more easily now. I couldn't stop anymore.

"Elena.." I heard a voice from my door.. Stefan? I turned towards him, blood dripping from my lips.

I looked back at the dead boy laying on my bed and I let out a sigh. "Hello Stefan.." I turned back to him, standing up. "I see you're back in town."

He hummed as a response and I walked over to him. "Come with me." He put his hand out and I gave him a strange look.

"Sure.. okay." I shrugged it off as he grabbed my arm and then vamped us to the... school?

I looked around as he led me inside and the suddenly Kat appeared next to me.. the spell.

"Hello Katherine." Stefan said, turning around as he walked into the school backwards.

I used my vamp hearing to hear some noise coming from the gym and I vamped in that direction, stopping and slowing when I saw a blondie sitting on the ground next to a passed out Caroline and a dead Tyler.

"What.. what happened?" I looked at the blondie as she stared at me.

She was taking pictures of herself off of Caroline's phone. "How come you're out here? Didn't Nik make you stay in there?" She asked, standing up.

"I'm not Emma. Now what's going on?" I asked, slowly getting down, crouching.

She looked at me, giving me a strange look before getting up. "Not the human.. nor Katerina.." she slowly stood up as Kat came behind me.

"Who are you then?" She asked as I slowly stood back up as well.

I turned and I vamped towards the gym, opening the doors as I saw Klaus standing there as Emma was laying on the ground.

"Hello again love." He turned and looked at me and I smiled at him.

I looked around at the failed prank in the gym as the blondie followed me in. "Hello Klaus.. nice to see you again too. I knew you'd be back."

He let out a chuckle before walking towards me and the blondie. "How've you been?" I asked as I stayed standing there.

"I didn't really know there was another doppelgänger. Fail to mention that Nik?" I heard the blondie say from behind me.

I turned and looked at her. "Okay, let's just get something straight. Hello I'm Eliana, many people know me as Elena I guess.. who are you again?" I asked.

"My sister." I heard from behind me, Klaus was standing so closely behind me.. it felt like he was breathing on my neck almost.

I nodded slowly, looking her up and down. "Rebekah." She faked a smile towards me before looking at Klaus.

"I can smell the human blood off of you love. You have a little snack before you got here?" Klaus asked and I turned to look at him, our faces barley being an inch away from one another.

I hummed quietly before moving back slightly, looking over at Emma who was laying on the floor of the gym. "Maybe I did. So what? I was hungry."

"Yada yada. You wouldn't share, and now you're going to be the one to clean the sheets.. actually, you should get new ones." I heard from behind me as well. Katerina.

She probably came in not too long ago..

I could sense that Klaus was.. mad? I gave him a confused look before shrugging it off and walking past him.

"What do you need her here for? And why did your little slavey ripper boy want me here?" I turned back towards Klaus, walking backwards towards Emma.

All I heard was a hum from Klaus as I almost tripped and fell but I caught myself.

"She's the reason that I cannot make hybrids. It's because she's alive." He said and I laughed.

"I mean she is partly the reason.. have you even ever tried using her blood? I bet that would work." I nodded at him to go get his little wolf boy.

He vamped off to go get a very awake Tyler and then they both came back. "How would you know?" He questioned.

"Because, if you would've succeeded killing my sister- not this one." I pointed towards Emma. "But Katerina, if you would've succeeded, then you should've figured out that you need a doppelgängers blood."

He scoffed, vamping over towards Emma with Tyler. "Drink." He threw Tyler towards Emma.

"I'm so sorry.." Tyler mumbled before biting into Emma's neck and drinking some of her blood before pulling back out of pain.

"Maybe I was wrong. Sucks.." I groaned in a fake way as Tyler cried in pain.. but it was working.

Klaus let out a laugh as he watched Tyler's eyes turn golden, with veins appearing underneath. "Situation solved! I never would've thought you'd be that smart!"

I stared at Emma's neck as the blood.. it was so visible.. so wanting..

Suddenly.. I don't know why.. but it felt like I hadn't drank blood in 50 years and I put my hands on my head in pain, keeping my eyes on Emma as they turned golden.

"Elena..?" I heard a peep from Emma and a grin appeared on my face as I vamped over to her, digging my teeth into her neck.

I couldn't stop.

I kept drinking until I was thrown off by a certain Stefan Salvatore.

"What the hell!" Stefan yelled at me and I stared at Emma, wanting more.. no. Needing more.

I vamped back over to the human doppelgänger and I tried to bite into her again, but this time I was staked, in the heart.

"You think that's going to stop me!?" I shouted at whomever staked me.. and it was Klaus.

I stared into his eyes, rage engulfed inside of me. "Let me go! I need more!" I yelled at him, pulling the stake out and throwing it at the ground before vamping to my feet.

I was held back by Klaus and he must've snapped my neck, because everything went black.

"I'm like 50 percent sure that she's a ripper." Kat said as she walked over to us.

Damon came into the gym, noticing what happened and he vamped over to us. "I know what to do with her. Just.. give." He picked me up, and then he vamped off.

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