logan x mick

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"Logan! LOGAN! Its time for the meeting! LOGAN! god where has he gone..." Logan bit his lip, hiding in the mercedes team garage. Through the plaster walls he could hear the rest of his team calling for him. Itd only be a short while before they found him infront of the broken mirror, shards scattered across the floor and his knuckles bleeding thick drops of scarlett red. His tears streamed down his face admist his silent sobs as he threw up into the sink, running water to quickly run the vomit away. Why couldnt he do it? was he not made to be a formula 1 driver? Was he not good enough? His friend Nyck had recently been kicked from the sport for not performing up to standard, and his other friend Oscar had suddenly stepped it up, reaching p5 and getting close to podium results. But Logan hadnt earned a single point all season, it wasn't fair, he knew it wasn't the car - Alex was performing brilliantly despite the cars short-comings.
Pulled out of his thoughts in an instant, a blonde man of certain familial fame walked in the bathroom, looking up wide-eyed and concerned at the younger american man (and rightfully so). Mick rushed to logan, holding his hands in his. Logan hadnt felt such a warm touch in years, every look from his peers was icy cold, but this sweet man infront of him held a face full of worry, concern and care. "Logan what happened?" Mick asked, wiping Logans tears away with his sleeves.
The sobs that were once silent blubbered out of Logans mouth, all the pain that had been numb before he felt tenfold and he simply crumpled into Mick's arms. Logan turned his head to face the cracked bathroom mirror, only to see Mick's face turned, smirking at him. The reflection whispered in his ear, "You pathetic thing, good thing your spot is so easily filled" Logan chokes on his tears, and looks up at the real Mick, whos different from mirror mick, hes still kind.

Logan looks back at the mirror's reflection, the mick reflected is still smiling with an icy cold stare. Logan screams, grabbing one of the pieces of the shattered mirror, stabbing it into Mick's chest.

When they find Logan curled up over the bleeding Mick, its all they need to drag him away. As hes pulled away he stares at the mirror. "If I can't have my spot, no one can."

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