toto x christian

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Christian approaches the sorting hat with hesitation, all his friends are hufflepuff surly he'll be too right?

he sits down in the chair


"HUFFLEPUFF"  the hat booms, the sound echoing around the grand dining hall.

Christian sighs in relief and begins to walk towards his assigned table when suddenly " Watch where ur going you british nob" a talk german accent rings in his ears; christian looks up at the tall dark haired boy.

oh my god he's so handsome, Christian starts to blush he's getting hot and bothered just by the sight of him.

calm urself he thinks, it's not like this is his soulmate! it's just some random reallllyyy hot guy who's making him act up in ways he still jdoesn't fully understand and- oh

oh god is this...
he stares up into the captivating brown eyes and begins to burn inside, is the other boy not feeling this at all?!??


He's bored as he waits for his turn to get sorted, the train journey from Germany made him best suicidal and when it broke down on the way all he could think was "this train fucked!"

He's here now tho, and the site in-front of him he does not want to change at all!

a short, skinny ginger kid is stumbling towards the chair, he's so clumsy Toto almost laughs out loud!

after a few seconds of silence he's sorted into hufflepuff and begins to walk towards his table, Toto being the mischievous and rebellious soul he is immediately attempts to trip the boy up and humiliate him when there eyes lock and

this is almost definitely his soulmate
it's a...boy?

Toto has always liked woman, his mum use to call him a real 'ladies man' so how could his soulmate possibly be a boy? that's absolutely preposterous and definitely not right

Toto glares down at the boy, scoffs and takes his seat. He's sorted Slytherin and yeh, maybe he knows why....
  - - - - - - -  -

after the first year sorting ceremony Toto is called to Professor Vettels office, he's confused but upon entry and seeing the pathetic ginger boy again, he starts to figure out what's going on...

" did you really think ur little stung would go unchecked Toto?" the professor shuns.

Toto begins to feel guilty as he looks at the crying boy huddled in the chair.
Why does he alwyss have to be such a dick...he's turning into his father-

he blinks himself back into the present.

"so?" Vettel prompts. " What do you say to young Christian"

Toto inhales but forces an apology.


Christin POV:

"i-it's ok i forgive you, it was probably an accident right?"

He knows it wasn't but he really doesn't want to get beaten up on his first day at a new school and especially not by his soulmate of all people.
Toto seems taken aback at the apology but nods anyway.
Professor Vettel seems satisfied and dismisses them.

Outside classroom:

"So uhh we're soulmate then?" Toto quips nonchalantly.

"o-oh" Christian squeaks. He's blushing again. "i didn't know you- i mean yes we- uhh - yes we're soulmates"

Toto looks at the boy again, his ruffled ginger hair, strange facial features and tear stained cheeks- he's kind of cute he thinks bashfully, his lips look quite kissable and-

Maybe he can learn to love him...

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