george russell x charles leclerc

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written by- delulu
It was one miserable day, oh what a horrid, horrid day it was. Might be described as the worst bloody day EVER.
It was the day of the beginning of George's heat, and he was FEELING it. Slick trickled down his legs and it was like his arse was clawing for a taste of Alpha dicks. So it was already a bad day, but it only got worse as night fell. The dark outside was dead quiet apart from a singular owl hooting. George fingered himself greedily, trying to itch his lonely yearning. He had never had a mate before, no one wanted him. Everyone who he had any interest in left before he even had a chance to try.
And by left, he meant LEFT, LEFT. The bloody arseholes would always move away or change schools. Even though George stayed put, it felt like he was constantly on the move. No one but his parents stayed in his life very long, and even they were distant.
So there he was, pathetically sprawled on the bed, his fingers doing a pitiful job of delivering George any sexual stimulation. It was downright dreadful. Then he heard a stone hit the wall next to his window, he brushed it off until he heard another, and another... and, was that multiple at once? Someone was throwing stones at his window, just brilliant! How could his noght get any worse. George pulled his trousers up, and stumbled over to the window. Oh just fab, it was his best - and only - friend, Charles. The monegasque alpha was the only person who was a stable, positive force. The only one that stuck it through with George. And here he was outside George's window at the worse timing of his life.
"Charles not now!" George whisper-yelled out his window, "do you even know what the time is? What are you doing here?"
Charles just smiled sweet and slyly up at George, and pulled car keys out of his pocket. "Joy-ride?" was all he said.
So thats how George got into his friends car, if george had one word to describe him it would be 'cheeky'.

The worst part was George had rushed out almost instinctively to follow his friend, forgetting he was in heat. He prayed the alpha couldn't smell it, but judging by his less than adequate driving - he could. Suddenly, Charles pulled up into an empty parking lot, his breath noticeably heavy.
"George, I'm sorry but, you tease me like this - I can't hold back much longer." And before George even had a second to panic, Charles was kissing him. Charles... was kissing him? And George liked- no loved it! This he could tell - even with his little experience - was different from a normal kiss. How had he not seen it before, Charles was always there, through thick and thin. George was realising, he'd been in love a long time. Maybe that's why those alphas had all left, George's subconscious scared them away.
Suddenly his friends lips left his, George whined. "George wait... I. We shouldnt..." Charles wore a look of guilt on his face, George's heart sunk, and he began to flap his big stupid mouth, his blue piercing eyes starting to tear up. "No charles, please don't see this as a mistake! I think I've liked you a long time," he confessed "Like a long long time! All those guys i had crushes on, they, I must of sent them signals subconsciously to send them away, cause all this time, you were the fella for me! I've been so stupid so please don't push this away, please don't ruin this for me, for us!"
Charles looked... shocked. Then he pulled George back into a kiss, then he embraced him. George let out a sigh of relief, and behind his back, Charles smirked. His plan... had worked. But George didn't need to know that.

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