pedro x lewis

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pedro was nervous, reasonably so, it was his first met gala in years and he was finally getting to go with his boyfriend- well not technically...

him and lewis had been in a secret relationship for a year and 4 months now and he's never been happier. he remembers when they first met each other and the nervous butterflies he got at the sight of the godly man- any man with a nose piercing can fucking get it in pedros expert opinion.

Lewis was getting ready in a hotel near the met some where and he can envision perfectly how beautiful his boyfriend looks- he's feeling a bit insecure about his all red ensemble but slowly getting use to the slick back hair. he removed the lip piercing just before he leaves as the onslaught of "daddy" comments were getting out of hand

-// at the met-//

Lewis is feeling pumped, he's channeled all the peace and love until himself and he's feeling ready to rock the runway.

he keeps thinking he sees his older boyfriend but everytime he gets the courage to look directly it's someone else; he hopes nothings happened to pedro, he knows he gets nervous at big events.

—later that evening—

pedro was in hysterics, he has never been so upset in his life. everything was going so good until...

there he was enjoying the red carpet with sarah paulson his fav lesbo when he heard the paparazzi shout something at someone behind him

"lewis how's ur new girl? we saw you earlier and you guys look smoking!"

girlfriend? lewis???
he whips around confused, completely forgetting he publicly doesn't know this man and that the press are defo taking a million pictures of his heart broken face...

sarah, who as his best friend ofc knows about his boyfriend, glares daggers at lewis face before forcibly dragging Pedro to the women's toilets to chill the fuck out for a minute

"what did they mean girlfriend ? lewis doesn't have a girlfriend, why would they say that? is there pictures ? who are they taking about?!"

he's asking question after question and he knows it's overwhelming her but he's in a state of complete shock and panic, riddled with insecurity and self doubt

she silently shows him a pictures of lewis kissing a tall blonde model, her legs twig like and toned; she's wearing a small crop top showing of her assests and flaired pastel yellow jeans...she's pretty he thinkings in his misery

" i knew i was too old for him, he deserves someone younger, someone hotter, someone he can be proud to show off"

sarah sighs and gently hugs him.

—— LEWIS Pov—-

what the fuck just happened man
he just watched the love of his life and future husband get helped if the stage, visibly distressed, after some random pap heckler shouts lies at him?

what girl?
what the hell are they talking about

he shots back
"tf man, what you taking about?"

he thinks someone must've stopped him from punching the smug man's face when a phone is thrust in his face showing a pictures of the stalker weirdo he encountered earlier


lewis is walking into the met when a young female fan asks for his autograph, she asks him to sign her collar bone- he's a bit tipsy and in a good mood, so he giggles and agrees. she pulls him closer, he signs it, and as he's leaning back to say goodbye she slams her mouth onto his

he, of course, pushing her off him snd screams at her for assaulting him, but she just lazily smiles and slinks off

he wishes security were paying attention, that shit was fucked

———/ end of flashback/—-

o h

he knows what pedro upset about now and he needs to go apologise immediately

where the fuck did pedro even go, he feels awful,

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