Start from the beginning

"It suits you." 

He scoffs bashfully and turns his body back into the seat, a wide smile on his lips, seemingly unable to wash it away, his cheeks subtly pink. Is he blushing?

The car journey was quick, we spent all of it singing and dancing to Stray Kids songs, preparing for the upcoming concert. I hadn't heard any of their music before, and now I'm very excited to go see them perform live. 

Hoseok and I make our way inside a small, quaint coffee shop. I pick a spot for us to sit and he grabs our orders. 

As I sit down, I briefly check my phone, and see there's still nothing from Jin. I frown slightly, letting out a quiet sigh. Just then, I hear the sound of something clanging against the surface of the table, jolting the expression off my face.

"Everything okay?" Hoseok asks, clearly referring to my expression, holding a small tray with both of our coffees.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Everything's fine." I smile, tucking my phone away into my bag.

"One Caramel Frappuccino for you..." He says, placing my coffee down in front of me.

"And an Iced Americano for me." He sighs excitedly, clasping his hands together.

"Thank you!" I say gratefully.

We both take a sip of our drinks. Hoseok hums and moans happily, and I can't help but find it really sweet and endearing. He's such a bright, bubbly person to be around, and he really helps to take my mind off everything.

I sit in silence, looking down at my coffee with the straw in my mouth, taking tiny, small sips.

"So, Willow..." Hoseok begins. I quickly look up at him and catch his eyes.

"Hm?" I hum in response, the straw still in my mouth, enjoying the sweet, refreshing taste.

"Um. So. I-" He stutters, itching his scalp in thought, fidgeting nervously.

"So, you know we're going to the concert soon..." He looks at me. I nod, gesturing for him to continue as I place my coffee back down on the table.

"Well, I was kind of hoping to settle something before we go. I want it to be really fun and exciting, and I also want it to be special..." He trails off, looking away from me, twiddling his fingers.

I knit my brows, unsure of what he's trying to say.

"Yeah?" I respond.

He clears his throat. 

"I think you're an amazing person. You're so fun to be around and I just feel this warm feeling inside when I'm with you. And the reason I asked you to come out for coffee with me is because I wanted to ask you something." He says quickly, nervously.

I swallow, my cheeks warming up. Is he going to say what I think he's going to say? 

"I want our first concert experience to be one where we go... As a couple." He finally says.

My heart sinks.

His eyes search mine for an answer, but I sit in silence, my expression blank.

"I really like you, Willow. I'm sorry if this is awkward, I'm not great at this type of thing, but I've liked you since the day we met and I thought, hey, why not? I'll shoot my shot." He chuckles.

"Hoseok..." I manage to say. He sits up, waiting for my response.

"I... I think you're a wonderful person. I love spending time with you, and I also think you're a lot of fun to be around. You have this natural glow to you that makes me feel comfortable and at ease. But I can't accept your feelings." I say, lowering my head.

I can't see him directly, but I can sense the atmosphere. 

"I like someone else, Hoseok. I'm so sorry. I really don't want this to ruin anything. I want us to still be as best of friends as we were, and to go to the concert and enjoy the absolute hell out of it." I say, trying to reassure him.

It's silent for a few seconds, but then he inhales a deep breath.

"Okay! It's okay." He smiles. He reverts back to his usual, chirpy self, but I sense it's forced.

"You're okay?" I ask.

"Yeah of course! It's not the first time I've been rejected. I'm sure it won't be the last, either." He laughs. 

"But I'm really okay. We're still going to be friends, and we're still going to enjoy the absolute hell out of the concert." He smiles brightly.

I return his smile, this time feeling more relived at his reaction.

"Yes we are." I smile, sipping on my coffee.

Be My Teacher || K.SJWhere stories live. Discover now