Please read before starting the story

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I once created this story on no serious base, meaning I literally hadn't even watched "once upon a time" when I wrote this. The only person I knew was Peter Pan which was enough for me to write a story out of my pure imagination and the few information I had from some TikToks. Considering all that, I want you to understand that there are a few things that aren't making that much sense if we would look at the actual story.

To still understand the story at all, I gave you some background information that could be useful to know:

Y/n was raised by a royal family which once lived somewhere in the enchanted forest aswell but with Regina's spell they also ended up, as very rich people, in Storybrooke. They aren't any known villains or princesses, just people I came up with.

Y/n's parents are cruel people, disgusted by the poor and everyone that did not fit into their ideal. They dislike Snow White's and Prince Charming way to live but they kept them as allies, knowing they were important persons. On the opposite, they were known to be in good contact with the Evil Queen back in the enchanted forest.

Y/n herself hasn't believed in magic at the beginning since she was born in Storybrooke. But seeing all that magic after the curse was broken had been convincing her that magic was a real thing.

That's, pretty much, everything.

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