Chapter twenty

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Y/n's POV:

As I woke up this time I found myself laying in Peter's arms. I felt the pain all over my body but somehow I still managed to get up. Peter must've changed my chlothes because now I was wearing one of his t-shirts and nothing but my underwear. Thankfully his t-shirts were long enough to cover my butt aswell.

I stumbled out of his tent to get some fresh air. On the outside everything was shining in bright colors and it seemed like the whole island shined even more bright after Peter rescued me.

"Morning princess!", Someone said and I turned around to see who was talking to me. Behind me stood Felix. His tall figure still made me frightened of him but this time I just smiled weak.


Before he could say something else I already had my arms wrapped around him and hugged him. He layed his head on mine and I could hear his heartbeat in his chest.

"Thank you...", I mumbled.

"What for?"

"For saving me. I maybe would've been married to someone by now and if not, I would be dead. But you and all the others came to save me."

"Don't thank me, thank Pan! He was the one who got really nervous when you didn't come back and then he saw the ship and ohhh- you don't wanna know how aggressive he got as he found out they had you. He immediately made a plan on how to get you back and didn't even rest for a short moment-", Felix said and he would've probably told me every detail if Peter wouldn't have interrupted him.

"Thank you, Felix. I think that's enough information she needs for now. See how confused you made her!", Peter said from behind me and pulled me gently out of Felix's grip.

I actually was really confused because I knew Peter could be really toxic if he wanted to and angry- ohh yeah he could also be really angry too- but I didn't think he would be like that because of me.

Felix looked at the ground in guilt and I giggled a bit. It was cute how he felt sorry for something that was obviously not his fault.

"It's fine. Now I know a lot about what happened while I was on the ship.", I laughed and leaned my head on Peter's chest.

"Aww are you still tired? Do you need to go back to bed, love?"

"Yeah I think the little one here is not ready for the healing prozess yet. Better bring her back to bed Peter.", Felix meant and received a deathstare from me. Jokes on me, he didn't care cause all he did was smiling harder.


"Noooo, I'm awake! I'm not tired anymore!", I yelled as I felt Peter slowly pulling me back to his tent.

"Yes, you are. Stop denying it. It's really early and you know a healing process will take quite some time and it's pretty exhausting.", Peter answered and came suspicious close to me.

"Nooooooo-ooo!", I growled and pressed my hands against his chest. It didn't help a bit from trying to keep him away from me.

His hands were grabbing my waist and within seconds I was laid over his shoulder. I tried my best to get down but somehow he seemed to have still so much more muscles than I'm able to see. Where did he have them from?

"Please Peter. I don't wanna sleep!", I whined now and for a moment he seemed to think about something but then decided to still walk in his tent.

"Please?", I whimpered and hold on his neck so that he wasn't able to lay me down.



"Let go."

"Nooo! Only if I don't have to sleep."

"Why don't you just sleep some more? It's not that bad?"

"But I'm all alone and I'm not even tired anymore!"

"Fine then you'll leave me no choice, love.", Peter meant and I immediately let go off him starting to think that this might haven't been the best idea I had this day.

"What do you mean?"


"Answer me, please!"

He just smiled innocent and grabbed one of his weird looking potions on his bedside table.


"Just relax, love. If you don't want to sleep I'll have force you.", Peter said and blowed the dust in my face.

"No, please, Peter. That's-not-fair. C-Can you atleast stay w-with...", I mumbled before falling asleep.

Last thing I remembered was him gently kissing my forehead before I fell asleep. He was playing unfair.

To Love Me - OUAT/Peter Pan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now