Chapter seventeen

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Y/n's POV:

It's been hours since I forcefully took a bath. Pan has given me some clothes which were a bit big but still by far better than going back to the camp in only underwear. Now I sat on a log at the camp without something specific to do. I looked down at my legs which were in straight, black jeans. On my upper body I wore a palace green top that was once a t-shirt but someone here seemed to have enough fashion knowledge to make it a bit more body adjusted to me. I was that someone.

Coming to my head appearance I couldn't say that I liked what I looked like. Pan had given me a brush to get my hair actually done. But beside my hair there was nothing beautiful about me. I still had red eyes which would probably last a few more days and my throat burned every time I had to cough.

Footsteps behind me signaled a person approaching me. I turned my head around and saw Devin coming to me with a typical smile of him. He was cute in his own way.

"Hey Devin! What's up?", I asked and smiled. He didn't deserve one of my deathstares I gave Pan and Felix all day.

"I just thought you needed company.", He answered and sat next to me. I nodded happy and we started to talk about everything that came into our minds. It was nice talking to him and I could finally laugh a bit after this exhausting morning.

"What is going on between you and Pan at the moment?", I glanced at him with a blank expression.

"We're having- some kind of argument.", I meant and stared at the boy who entered the camp just at this moment. His eyes were so calm, so deep. So full of nothing but darkness. I hated how less bothered he looked.

And I hated it because I liked him. Even though I barely knew him, even though he scared the hell out of me sometimes, even though I still didn't know if I could trust him. I still really liked him.

"Ohh I'm sorry.", Devin mumbled, pulling me out of my thoughts. I immediately smiled. He really was a cute, little one.

"Well Devin, can I sleep in your tent tonight?", I said louder than necessary. This was my personal revenge for what Pan did. He couldn't watch me tonight. Couldn't control me. Without turning to look at anyone I knew I got some murder looks from the others. It was easy. If I wouldn't behave the way Pan wanted, Pan would be mad. If Pan was mad, the others would easier get in trouble. I felt guilty for putting them in trouble but I didn't want to spend my night with a mean person like Pan.

"Yeah sure!", He blushed a bit and I hugged him as a mercy.

In the background I saw someone storming out of the camp in anger and I could tell, Pan was the only one not at the camp at the moment. Oh no, did I hurt his feelings? Like when he threw me in a lake after I told him I'm afraid of it!

He deserved this punishment. In the end it's not like it would make any difference where I'll sleep. I don't think he really cared that much. He only cared about controlling me.

"Alright see you later!", I called as I got up and left the camp. There were some things I needed to know and I would definitely make a bow around the lake and the ocean.

Yeah, I was still afraid. I knew I felt safe when Pan hold me in his arms or when I was close to him. But in the same time I always got scared I might drown again when he would be gone somehow and- and- yeah, that would be terrifying.

I went through the forest for almost half an hour before I found what I looked for. The cage.

"Uhhh- Pan, I'm interested in how you're going to explain this.", I mumbled to myself and looked at the cage. He looked like a lot but definitely not a bear cage.

I slowly walked around the cage, mustering every little detail and than stepped back from it again. If it wasn't for bears, obviously, than why did he lie to me and what is really going to get in that cage? He wouldn't be seriously keeping people in here, would he?

Suddenly someone ran to me and pushed me with a strong push against a tree. I fell to the ground and groaned in pain. My ribs were hurting and I wasn't sure but it felt like at least one was broken. As I looked up to see who the fuck could push me that damn strong, my eyes widened in nothing but blank horror.

Captain Hook.

I wanted to scream. Anything. I wanted to call for Pan and begging him to help me. But nothing happened. My mouth couldn't get a word out of it. I just stared at Hook and within seconds my mind drifted off as I became unconscious.

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