Chapter twenty-one

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Y/n's POV:

I rubbed my tired eyes and looked around. It felt like I slept for days but a short look out of the tent told me that it probably weren't more than three hours. How come time's acting so different here?

As I left the tent my eyes looked for a specific person who mysteriously was not in the glade. Peter Pan.

"Hey Devin! Where's mr. Idiot?!", I yelled as I saw Devin coming out of a tent.

"Huh? Y/n?", He glanced at me surprised and I could see a small smile fading in on his face. The smile immediately dissappeared as he saw something I couldn't see.

"Oh I think I know exactly where he is...", He mumbled, loud enough for me to hear and I realized why he stopped smiling.

"Please no...", I growled as I turned around. Just like I expected someone specific was standing right behind me.

Peter had his arms crossed infront of his chest and gave me a cold kinda annoyed look. But deep in his eyes I could still see that he wasn't really THAT mad at me for making fun of him.

"I explored with you, saved you and threated you nice, most of the time, and this is how you thank me? Calling me Mr. Idiot?", He whined in a sad voice which somehow made me way more guilty than I should've felt for something unimportant like that.

"Sorry Peter...", mumbled and looked at my feet. For a moment I could hear him chuckle than someone wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled closer into his chest and held onto his shirt.

"Aww darling I wish I would be able to resist the cuteness of yours.", He said and glanced at me seductive. I started to blush hard and hid my face in his chest.

"You think that'll help you? I saw you were blushing, darling!", He laughed and I just mumbled some incomprehensible words.

"I wonder...why were you looking for me? Did ya miss your king?", He chuckled and even if I was hella embarrassed I still raised my head to give him a deathstare. My king? This man gotta check his mind cause I think it's broken...He's not 'my king'!

Just as if he knew what I was think he raised my chin and stared into my eyes. It was a dominant, strong look which made me feel like nothing against to him. I heart melted. Just everything but I didn't dare to look away.

"What's wrong? You wanted to say something?", He wondered and got closer to my face. I could hear his calm breaths as I tried not to blush to hard. (Impossible by the way)

"N-No nothing!", I stuttered and closed my eyes to not fall any harder for him as I already did.

Jerk! He knew exactly how to interact with me. Because now I was sure he was right. He's my king and I can't do anything about it.

"That's what I thought.", Peter answered and pressed his head against mine.

"I like you! You're cute.", He said and smiled.

"I like you, too! You're hot.", I answered and smiled back.

"So I'm just hot? Not cute, sexy or smart? Just hot?", He whined and I gave him a mad look.

"You know that's not fair! Of course you're cute and sexy and hot...", I mumbled and hid my face in the sleeves of Peter's Hoodie.

"Aww you're cute when you're nervous. But I gotta remind you, that we still need to heal you. The only reason why you don't feel much pain at the moment is because I put a spell on you. The thing is that it'll vanish soon."

I glanced at Peter and nodded quiet. I knew it was time to so it but it kinda scared me. Honestly how does this even works....I don't know and I'm not sure if I want to find out.

Peter gave me a hand sign and I followed him through the woods. After a short walk we stopped. As I looked around, I realized we were at the beach.

"The beach? So here we're gonna do the magic- Ahh!", I screamed out in pain because suddenly my whole body started to hurt.

"Yes and as I see we can't wait any longer.", He answered and pulled me close to numb my pain a bit.

I layed in his arms while he was sitting in the sand. The sun was shining on his body and I smiled, looking at his cute face in the sun.

"Just close your eyes, darling. I'll do the rest."

I closed my eyes and the pain came back. Screaming, shouting, anything would've been nice but I just layed there, tears falling down my cheeks but I did nothing. Basically the pain fainted and came back every minute which made it impossible to comfort myself a bit. After about an hour the pain didn't come back.

My body felt numb and I still didn't dare to open my eyes.

"You can open your eyes, darling. It's over.", Peter said and I felt his hand at my cheek.

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