Chapter sixteen

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Y/n's POV:

My feet were carrying me as fast as possible over the ground. I felt like a betrayer and didn't even know why. I wanted to trust Pan but the fear was stronger.

As I reached the forest, I just wanted to go on, but someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me into their chest.
I screamed out in shock and raised my head to get a look of the person who appeared to be 'someone'.

Someone turned out to be Felix.

He was holding my arms in a too hard way, making my only chance to get comfortable by pressing myself against his chest.

"Sorry, princess. ", He said and I actually wished myself being death at this point. What would they do now? As if it wasn't uncomfortable enough to be pressed against Felix. It just made my betraying feelings stronger.

Footsteps behind me took me back to reality. "Thanks Felix!", The known voice said monotonous. Oh fuck! I bet he was mad.

He grabbed my waist and I got pulled out of Felix's grip right against Pan's body. At least I was used to feel his body. Just the words he hissed in my ear made me shiver more than I wished they would.

"There was never a choice in this, love.", He whispered and I felt my blood freeze. His hand rubbed over my bare stomach until it reached my waist. He pulled me around to make me look at him. Bad for him that I continued staring at the ground.

"Now, won't you look at me, love?", He said and I eventually shook my head.

"Fine. Then I'll just push you in the water and see how you try to swim", He said while lowering his grip on my back. I closed my eyes rapidly and pressed myself against him in fear.

He chuckled. "Well, that's not what I expected you to react like but I like it though. "

Well what did he expect? 

"Please Pan, give me time.", I mumbled and tried my best to gave him a puppy look. He raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

"I won't get soft just because you glance at me with your sweet, little puppy eyes, love.", He said and started pulling off his pants. In the end he standed infront of me just in a t-shirt and shorts.

Now things were hard to guess. Who of us was most embarrassed at the moment? Even if this wasn't a usual thing for Pan to do, I assumed I was the only one being extremely embarassed.

My thoughts were disturbed by Pan who had grabbed my wrist and now slowly went in the water. I followed him until I was right infront of the water. There I stood and stared at it.

"Come on Y/n! I know you can do it.", Pan meant and pulled me more in the water. I pressed against it and felt pain run through my arm. It hurted awfully but there was no way I would go in that water.

Suddenly someone pushed me and I fell in the water which was surprisingly more deep as I thought. Then my mind shut down. I screamed and struggled with arms and legs to keep me over water. It didn't work. Somehow I just forgot how to swim. I knew it, but I couldn't remember.

"Help, Peter, help!", I called not knowing where he was. Someone grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. As I hugged this person in fear, I felt his strong chest muscles and knew immediately who was holding me.

"Peter...", I whimpered.

"P-Please down let go of me."

I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled myself even closer.

"Calm down, love. I'm here. I won't let go of you.", He mumbled in a calm voice.

I nodded and slowly opened my eyes. Pan just glanced at me with a calming look so I moved on till my eyes mustered Felix. He just stared at the ground and I could literally feel his guilty. His head lifted up and he glanced at me with a blank expression on his face.

"Y/n, you know I'm sorry, don't you? I had no choice. This was plan B and I had to make plan B work. Don't think I had fun doing this.", He said and within seconds my head turned back to Pan who now looked guilty as well.

"How the fuck could you do that to me?", I yelled and tried to push myself off him. His grip got stronger and the guilty in his eyes turned into anger which made my madness disappear in a matter of seconds.

"Y/n." Pan said, his voice sounding somewhere in the distance. I didn't even try listening to him. All I wanted was to punch him so many that even he would feel this pain.

"Y/n, if I were you, I'd stop this behaviour right away."

I stared at him for some seconds. He looked mad. His eyes were small, glaring at me. His fingers were digging into my skin. It was like a trap. The more I tried to push myself out of this, the more intense got his grip. I nodded slowly. Certainly, I was in the really wrong position to protest at the moment.

"Now, if you're already here, you could also wash yourself a bit.", He suggested, his voice suddenly all soft and I, once again, just nodded with a fearful look in my eyes. After all I still wanted nothing but stay close to Pan. He was holding me and I felt safe when he did so. Wait- did I called him Peter some moments ago?

Okay, I needed to remember how to swim. I closed my eyes and all the memories came back. Panick overcame me and I layed my head back on Pan's shoulder. This was the first time I did notice that he stood here and I couldn't. Damn he was tall and I didn't even notice it until now.

I remembered all the details that were still somewhere in my mind. About my life, my emotions and all the things I've learned. I knew how to swim. I knew how to swim.

I knew how to do it.

To Love Me - OUAT/Peter Pan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now