Chapter nine

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Y/n's POV:

I opened my eyes and yawned. Depending on the light which was coming through the entrance, I determined it to be early evening. Man this was no sleep rhythm.

I felt lonely, noticing Pan was not near. Now, this was bothering me. Missing Pan was the worst thing that could happen. He was the enemy. He was the one who literally scared the living shit out of me earlier.

But then again, he was also the one who held me afterwards. The one who rubbed my back and whispered sweet things in my ear to calm me. The one who genuinely apologized for his behavior.

A tasty smell got my attention and I noticed that someone left me food on one of Pan's shelves.

I got up and grabbed the food. It took me only some minutes to eat it all up and I decided to get outside, maybe socializing myself a bit. Or, more likely, looking for Pan.

As I stepped out of the tent, I saw Pan being in a strong argument. The boy who he argued with was a young one with blond hair. He looked at Pan scared while trying to defend himself. I felt pity with him, knowing the exact same situation. As fast as I could I made my way between both of them and looked at Pan with a mad look.

"You said you wouldn't shout anymore.", I growled and went a step closer to him. Now it was only him and I. His eyes were dark and threatening though his body remained motionless.

"I said, I won't shout at you anymore, love. That's different.", He answered and emphasized my cheek with one of his hands.

"Your special. I don't want to be mad at you at all." He whispered and smiled softly.

"But you scare him!", I said in a sad voice and glanced at the boy who's glance constantly went to me and back to Pan.

"You can go.", I said and smiled at the young boy who gave me a thankful look. He turned around and ran in the woods.

"I'm interested in how you are going to explain this.", Pan said and looked at me reproachful. His whole aura screamed out the domination and still I ended up being more confident than usual here.

"He just looked so frightened and...and...I-I...just thought I- He-...sorry...", I stuttered looking in Pan eyes. They were the worst judgment out of all, all focus on me.

"It's fine, love. Just don't do this too often." He laughed and grabbed my hand.

"Now let's go! I wanna show you the island a bit before it's to dark. Maybe I can explain you some things.", He said and pulled me after him in the woods.

So now I was allowed to explore? With him? Some would call this odd, maybe even illogical. I wouldn't even want to start arguing about the constant dragging.

But really, he needed to stop that. There's no way anyone could be dragged that often. Like he's dragging me literally everywhere. I can walk. I'm stupid but not that stupid.

Nevermind. I had something more important at the moment to clarify.

"Hey, what is actually going on here? On this whole island."

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because I don't trust any of you and I definitely think I deserve to know what this place is.", I clarified and looked to the side.

"Oh, interesting. First of all, I don't think you deserve to know anything. I saved you, took care of you, allowed you to stay here with us and you tell me you deserve answers? I'll answer you all you need to know. But not because you deserve it. I'll answer because I don't want to disappoint you, love. I'm doing this as a favor. Do you understand?" He asked, glaring at me. He was right. I actually didn't deserve any of this. He might have made a mistake shouting at me but in the end I was the one who should apologize. How dumb. I was so dumb.

"Do you understand, love?" He asked, again, this time even more intense. I nodded understanding and saw him smile satisfied.

"Great. Now, to answer your question. This island is called Neverland. It's the safest place you'll ever find and I guarantee you that there will be no physical harm to you here. At least as long as I rule it."

"So what are you? A king? A God? A commander?"

"A king, huh? We don't have any kings here, love. Just me. Think of me whatever you want."

" I can think of you as an idiot?", I questioned and raised an eyebrow, interested in seeing his reaction.

"You don't."


"I can see it in your eyes. You don't think of me as an idiot."

"Whatever. Show me the island already!" I demanded.

"For someone in your current position you demand a lot." Pan chuckled and I glared at him, knowing he was actually right. But he was totally wrong for another thing.

I did think of him as an idiot!

To Love Me - OUAT/Peter Pan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now