Chapter eight

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Pan's POV:

There she was. Sitting in my arms with her face hidden in my chest. What kind of person would yell at something that precious like that?

I would. I did.

She couldn't escape. She was trapped on this island. But still, for some reason I had no idea where she was. All my lost boys, I could always find them. But the girl, I really didn’t know where she was and I feared that she might met the wrong persons on this island.

It took me only two minutes to notice she was gone and to start panicking. I cared about her in a different, and for me scaring, way. I needed to protect her. Always. No matter what.

This may sounded cheesy, or even possesive, but there were no better words. I wanted to hold her and protect her from everything that could harm her.

"Love?" I asked, "Will you forgive me?"

She wasn't answering. I shouldn't be surprised. I was the one who made her cry like that.

"Please...", I begged and pulled her chin up to see her face. It was full with tears and made her look so lonely. If I could've, I would've taken her pain. The pain I had caused.

She layed her head on my shoulder and mumbled something in my ear.

"P-Please don't shout at me again. I'm sorry!" She whispered.

"I won't, love.", I answered.

"Does it scares you when someone shouts?" She nodded. I sighed worried and tightened my grip around her for a few moments, making sure she feels as safe as possible. Then I carefully layed her down on my bed.

"What are you doing?", She asked and glanced at me confused.

"I'm going to talk with Felix about something. I want you to sleep a bit since you're still sick and you look pretty tired.", I said and got up from the bed.

She nodded weak and waited for me to put the blanket over her. I grabbed the blanket, layed it over her cold body and left the tent.

Now it was time to get back to the actual problems. The one's I wished I could keep her away of. We expected a visitor soon and we should be prepared for him.

To Love Me - OUAT/Peter Pan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now