The End

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We already here at the convention center, to prepare and Mom told us that the bride and the groom will be separated from each other. So Kade, Nop and Yuki with me while Kherk, Tee and Nam is with Freen in the other room.

Kade helped me with my dress, as Yuki help me with my make up but we do have a make up artist with us but I am not used to it when other people do my makeup so i let Yuki do it for me and she gladly said yes. While Nop was our Photographer and camera man for today.

It's already 1:30 pm and the wedding will start shortly. We already arrived at the location, as i waited outside since mom told us to wait for the signal and I can't still accept that I'm getting married to the one and only Freen Soracha.

"Becky are you ready?" As Dad said to me softly as i hold his left arm.

"Y-yeah, kinda nerveous" I said and looked at dad as i kissed his cheeks.

"Aw... my baby mon is already grown up" Dad said as he escouted me infront of the door making me chuckle as the doors open as soft music played as people clapped there hands and throw some flowers at me.

As i walk to the aile with Dad i saw Freen looking at me lovingly as she smiled showing her cute bunny teeth that i always find it cute, Dad let go of my arm as Freen gave me her hand as i take it as we stood up infront of everyone.

"Today is a very special day for this two beautiful ladies that truly is inlove with each other, Now May i ask Freen Sarocha Chankimha will you take good care and gave her all your love to Rebbecca Patricia Armstrong?" The priest said to Freen.

"Yes i do" Freen said softly as she look at me making me chuckle.

"Now May i ask Rebbecca Patricia Armstrong will you accept Freen Sorocha as your lovely wife and speed your life with her till death apart?" The priest said.

"Yes, I do father" I said as i put the ring on Freen's ring finger.

"Now i prounce you wife and wife you may kissed the bride" The priest said as Freen pulled me closer to her and kissed me as i snaked my hand onto her neck, as we heard loud cheers from them.

"I love you Mrs. Chankimha" Freen said and peck me in the lips.

"I love you two Love" I said as i hold her hand tightly as we walked to the aile together to the balcony to throw the flower to will be next yeah kinda funny but its a traddition i guess? As i throw the flower and turned around and the one who got it was Yuki?!?

Everyone just cheered as we laugh with the gang, Since yuki is still single or is she? Everyone shouted to us making us chuckle as they want one more kiss. I look over to freen as i chuckle at placed my hand on her cheek as i rubbed my thumb on it softly and placed both of my hands on her chest as she snaked her hands on my waist pulling me closer to her.

"Can i?" She whispered as she was looking my eyes.

"You may" I said as i went closer to her and kissed her passionately as the crowd cheered we heard some clicks from the camera and claps from them.

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Every day I love you more,
you will be forever what I adore,
you are my joy, my treasure, my heart,
today, tomorrow, forever,
we will never be apart.

You gave light to my soul,
You helped me to be whole,
I have felt love for you before,
And it will be more and more,
You are mine, my dear
You are the angel from above
Who taught me how to love.
Please, forever keep me near.



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