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Freen's Pov:

This girl is cute but not my type i already have a girlfriend to start with she's pretty many boys will fall for her. I looked at my side and she was writing in her notebook all i can say is she's beautiful her pinkish lips her pointy nose and her cute angry face.

"Rebecca Patricia Armstrong huh?" I mumbled making me smirk.

(Au: please don't do something bad P' freen)
(Freen: I won't yet)

"Ok class that's are topic for today you can have your break time" Ms. Nita said and left the classroom.

I was about to leave when someone holds my hand making me stop i looked to my side and seing this annoying girl holding my hand i tried to removed it but she was to strong.

"What do you want idiot?" I asked annoyingly.

"Umm... Can you tell me where's the canteen at?" She asked.

"Just search it on google map, where's the canteen at" i said making her brows furrowed.

"Nevermind thanks for nothing" she said and letting go of my left hand.

"Why do i miss her hands on mine??!? Sarocha Chankimha!!!! Think straigh idiot!!!"

"Hm.. k" i said and left her and went to the canteen to see my friends.

At the Canteen:

"There she's is" Tee shouted.

"What took you so long?" Nam asked.

"I got into a little bit of trouble on the way" i told them remembering the scene with Rebecca.

"Ohhh... Got into a fight again freen?" Kade asked.

"Nope" i said making them nod there heads.

"So there's a rumor that the new student is hella pretty and cute" Tee said making me looked at her.

"Oh really? I heard she's a foreigner" Nam said excitedly.

"So stupidity horn, are we going to make her year here misrable?" The three asked me.

"No" i told them making them looked at each other confussed.

"Why?" Nam asked.

"She's closed friends with Yuki even her family is closed with my cousin that's why" i said annoyingly.


"So can i be friends with her?" Tee asked me i just nod.

"Wow this is the first time that horn didn't do anything to a transferee student" Kade said and i just looked at her boringly while chewing my food.

"Speak of the devil freen your girlfriend is her" Tee said making me looked up and i saw my girlfriend smiling at me.

"Hey!" I said and hugged her.

"Miss me?" Mina said making me nod she just chuckle and sit besides me.

"How was practice Mina?" Nam asked her.

"It was fine nothing change same practice over and over again i hate it tsk" she said boringly and eat her food.

Mina is a cheerleader or the team captain in her squad in cheerleading while me I'm the basketball team MVP along with TEE who is second to me. Were famous in this school we have a lot of fan boys and fan girls around the campus they always watch us play or perform. 

While were eating i saw a familliar figure its was Rebecca along with a guy? I suddenly grip on the fork that i was holding while looking at them giving the boy a death stare and i didn't notice it was Nop my teamate in basketball.

"What the fuck? They know each other?!?? Hold why do i feel jealous?  All of the sudden? Wtf?"

"Are you ok freen?" Mina asked me making me looked away from the scene.

"Yeah" i answered.

"Guys look its the new girl" Kade said and pointing to where Rebecca is.

"Wow the rumors were true she's pretty" Nam said.

"Yeah..." Tee said agree to Nam.

"Can you guys stop looking you guys are starting to be a creepy freak" i said to them making them rolled there eyes on me and continued eating.

"I guess i should tell Nop to introduce me to her" Tee said excitedly.

"Hey me too don't leave me behide idiot" Nam said.

"Don't be greedy let me get to know her too" Kade said and the three of them planned on how to be friends with Rebecca.

"I guess they really want to be friends with that new girl huh?" Mina said annoyingly.

One thing Mina hates is someone is more popular than her or someone is stealling her spotlight in school i still remember what mina did to the last student that stole her spotlight it was fun but horrifying to watch.

"Hey common don't be jealous of the new girl you still have me" i said to her she just chuckle and kissed my cheeks.

"PDA!!" The three shouted causing me and mina to roll or eyes.

"Have some respect to those who has no love life!!" They shouted i was about to smack there heads but they already left running.

"Those idiots haysss"

"Freen i need to go back now, see you later" Mina said and kissed me on the cheeks.

"Yeah! See you later!" I said and waved my hands good bye.

"Going back to class?" Someone said behide me. I turned around and saw Rebecca holding two cans of green tea.

"Yea why?" I asked using my tone that everyone is scared of.

"Can we walk together back to class?" She asked me.

"No" i said and turn my back on her and walked back to class and i felt she was behide me i stoped walking and she bumped into me.

"Why did you stop?" She said and tilted her head a little.

"You go first" I said.

"No" she denied.

My Girl (FreenBecky Au)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang