Fuelled by fear, the man winced as her covered his crotch area, hoping she wouldnt.

The door swung open in a flash as her teammates barged him.

"FBI!" Emily screamed as she busted down the hinges, immediately making eye contact with Katherine.

They all surrounded him as he accepted his defeat. Raising his arms, he was outnumbered

Katherine walked towards her boss as the others rushed to arrest the man.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Emily asked as she looked worried looking at every inch of the woman in front of her, making sure she wasnt injured

Katherine only gave her a hug, and she buried her face in her older woman's neck, exposed by her ponytail.

Surprised, Emily asked, "What's wrong?"

Feeling the smirk on Katherine's lips, Emily pulled her away to look at her.

"Nothing's wrong, I just missed you, I havent seen you in 3 days......." Katherine said as she innocently looked at her lover.

Emily could scold her for making her worry, but she would forgive her. "I missed you too, we all did"

From behind, the man scoffed at her "Fucking bitch, didnt have the balls to do it didnt you!?"

Katherine turned around as she still held the pistol. Raising it towards him, the others seemed shocked that she was going to shoot him. However, just before she did shoot, she aimed back unto the floor


The bullet crashed down unto the old wooden floor, cracking the beige plank, before it hit the concrete foundation.  

"If I had, you'd be the one without any fucking balls, I'm just nicer than you are, I'll let your new friends in prison bust them out for you"

"Katherine, can I see you in my office?" Emily said as her head peeked through her door.

Katherine, who had almost finished her other papers for the day, stopped writing to go see her. You can't make a lady wait

"Yeah?" Katherine said as she stood at the door frame, she already knew Emily was angry, so she did not enter her space, she carefully stood right on the border.

Emily glared at her for a second before showing her a report, her report. The long essay she had to write after every case, providing her point of view and her actions.

"Can you explain why I just finished reading about this suicide mission attempt?" Emily said as she slammed the pile of paper on her desk.

"Emily, I didnt tell you because you'd be upset, like you are now, but everything is fine" Katherine said as she slowly back up, hoping to get away before she would be imprisoned in her office with a long lecture.

"You should've stayed put! God, I thought you had been in control since the beginning but that was so reckless, you could've died! You shouldve told me!"

Katherine didnt say anything, she didnt know what to say, her thought process had been calculated, but it's true that it did seem dangerous. 

"What makes you think it was okay?!" Emily asked as she raised her tone even further. She was mad, an agent jumping on an armed unsub, risking their lives, that person being the one and only love of her live. She closed her eyes as she massaged her temples, she had a migraine. Trying to remain calm and breathe through her mouth, she almost wanted to suspend her for a while or even just take her out of the field, that would assure her safety.

Amaranthine - Emily PrentissWhere stories live. Discover now