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Both were silent. Staring at each other

Emily was surprised. She never thought Katherine might like her, much in fact fall in love with her. She wasn't sure this confession was real.

"Im sorry what?" She asked again, making sure. She was nervous, her heart palpitated in joy, but her mind tried to find a flaw.

Katherine took a deep breath. Maybe she had to rephrase her words.

"I like you and...but I'm not sure, I don't know what it means. Frankly, I'm not even sure if I'm just desperate to latch on to someone else. But ever since we've met,... I have this feeling inside my stomach that just...scares me"

Emily felt relief and joy to the news, but also understood. She had trouble trusting others, just like she used to

"Then stay, and we'll figure it out, together. You have your whole life ahead of you" Emily said as she came closer.

She bent down to take her hand. She looked down at the ring on her finger and though back to the wish she had when she put the ring on her finger and decided to grant her heart's desire.

She pulled Katherine forwards by her hand so that their faces came closer. Emily took no time to look in the depth of her eyes that she already knew their colour as she pushed herself towards her to kiss her.

Lips touched and tasted each other as both woman slowly and carefully kissed. Pulled towards her, Katherine sat up to meet with Emily.

The younger woman instinctively grasped on to the older women's hair by the roots, giving her a warning to make her slow-down from swallowing her. "Ah~" Emily savoured this moment.

She was going too fast, she was in a rush grasping on to anything Katherine threw her way

Katherine pushed Emily to the wall as she pleased herself hearing her moans. She made a trail of kisses down to her neck towards her ear as her hands travelled around her curves.

She cupped her high waist as she massaged her clothed breasts with her thumbs. "Katherine~" Emily whispered in the air, almost out of breath.

Emily's heart was about to explode. She couldn't hear anything besides the sound of her own heart beat, pulsating in her brain. It was finally happening for real, and Katherine was much more ambitious than she though.

She loved to be loved and relished and tasted by her, but she longed to touch her as well, feel her face in between her hands. Feeling her hands on her hair and on her young body.

But then, sweet kisses stopped and Emily's heart sank

As she opened her eyes to get a look at her lover, she found her eyes closed, almost sparkling in tears. It sank even further

"Katherine..." Emily whispered to hers.

Opening her eyes Katherine swallowed hard on her saliva before speaking. "I can't.... I'm just using you and I shouldn't..." the young woman let go of her temptations as she took a step back from the woman she tasted.

Like the first drop of blood, she was eager to drink more but only knew the fear of poison.

Looking down, Katherine explained herself  "This..... is impulsive, I'm just...taking out my frustration-"

Interrupted by a kiss, Emily tried to put as much passion as she could in it. She grasped on to her face and around her neck, inviting her to dig in deeper.

Amaranthine - Emily PrentissWhere stories live. Discover now