The hand

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"You're late" Emily said to her new coming agent.

"Is that so? I would've sworn my employment contract states I start at 8" the agent replied, she had just left the frame of the elevator. As she approached her boss, she looked through her work bag and handed her a file.
Emily looked at the contract she had signed just yesterday, 8:00 AM, printed black on white and signed.

"I see" she said with a sigh "we'll have to rediscuss this later" without even looking at the other women she handed back the file and went to go through some of her own.

"His name is John, John Masson, he's a Caucasian white male, 32 years old, found in his home. His DNA was found on 3 women that were found in the woods, dead and heavily mutilated. Apparently, his DNA was present because he claims he dated all of them all at the same time. No weapon found yet" she said as she piled up files together.

"Here" she threw the pile onto an empty desk. "You read this, get to know the case, he's in interrogation right now, won't admit to anything except DNA, we have 14h left for a confession or we have to let him go" the women said as she left and walked towards the interrogation room.

Without delay the new agent sat down and started reading.


This question was asked by a man, an agent, one coffee in each hand, extending one towards the reader.

"No thanks" she replied as she continued to read her files in front of her face.

"Oh, ok" the man said as he looked over her shoulder. He looked at her as she looked at pages for 5 seconds each before flipping to another.

"You read fast. You're not reading the lines like I do" he said and continued "You know, the average reading speed is approximately 100 to 200 words per minute, but you just flick through the pages, are you sure you're reading all of it? " he then asks.

"Huhum" the women said without even looking at him once.

"I-I've never seen that method of reading" he says as he still lingers behind her chair.

"This is basic hovering, I don't know what you mean, I'm trying to get this quick but you're interrupting me. Who are you? " she turned around as she asked.

"Spencer Reid" He says as he tries to present his hand that had a cup of coffee holding it.

Embarrassed by the situation he quickly put down the coffee in hand on her desk and wiped his hand on his blazer as to remove any sort of dirt. With a smile he represented his welcoming hand to her.
"I'm kind of germophobic" the women said looking down at his physical offer.

"Oh, sorry" the doctor said as he put his hand behind his back. Fidgeting on his feet at the awkwardness he says "Well, I hope we get to know each other, I'm sure you'll meet the team eventually" as he leaves in a slightly fast paste towards the interrogation room.

She looked at the plastic coffee cup that was left on her desk and glanced back at the men who left it around. She took it in her hands and threw it in the small bin that was under her desk.
The women continued her "fast" reading


"Get out of my way"
The agent heard and recognized the voice, none other than her boss, who was maybe, very mad right now. She watched as she discussed discreetly with a man, but with an argumentative face. His back was turned but he was built, tall, black, and somewhat bald. She watched as they seemed to argue together and until Emily re-entered the interrogation room.

Finished with her reading, the women took the 7 files in her hands and walked towards the man.

"Where do I put this?" She says as she approaches the tall man. He turned around, his eyes no longer on his colleague in the room but unto a new one.

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