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Stood there, looking at each other, Katherine had longed for this moment. She always had so many questions, insults, and screams to latch out.

She always thought seeing her again might make things better, fix her somehow.

But confronted by reality, she was paralyzed.
Nothing to say, nothing came to mind, only her body spoke.

The adrenaline pumping through her veins prepared her to run away. Mouth slightly opened, she breathed silently.

She didn't know if she was having a stroke or if everyone had gone quiet.

Seconds felt like minutes, hours.
Katherine thought about everything, about her, them 5 years ago, her skin, her smell, her kindness...

"You must resent me so much" she said to Katherine. Her face revealed pain and sorrow. She seemed to know what she had done to this young woman, regretting it, now trying to make amends.

Katherine's lips quivered for a second.
"What are you doing here?" She asked with difficulty

The woman came closer as Katherine's natural instinct pushed her back. Like an opposite magnet she was pushed away by her energy.

The woman sighed. "I had to go through my Head of Chief to bypass my Sector Chief. I-I needed to see you. I heard what you did to try and get to me. I thought that, maybe...I should try and make it up to you." She said as she tried to move closer.
And again, she moved away.

Noticed by the others, Katherine wasn't crazy, the room had gone mostly silent.

Katherine was still processing as the others approches them.

"I'm sorry, Agent. Reid here is allergic to Violets, why don't we get rid of those?" JJ intercepted as she came up with an excuse.
Reid, next to her seemed content with her fast thinking.

"Yes, actually several flowers could make me fall into anaphylactic shock, I could die in seconds" he added.

"Here" Morgan said as he took the flowers from Elizabeth's hands willing to give them to Garcia
Thought the gesture was sweet. For the first time, Garcia had to force a smile as he handed them to her. She did love flowers and they would go great in her office but those, she would throw away.

"Oh, I'm sorry" the woman apologized

Her eye attracted to the sudden group forming, Emily scanned for Katherine but she only saw her back, facing towards someone she didn't know.

With a simple bat of her eyes, Emily than recognized the woman.


She stopped talking and was analyzing the situation. Her team members were body blocking for Katherine who seemed tense.
Her distracted face disturbed the conversation as the others turned around to see what was going on. As he saw her, Agent. Veck's face grew red of anger.

In a flash both Chief walked towards the pack to speak to their respective agent.

"Agent. Preston, A word" the CSIS Agent said as he walked passed her towards another corridor.
She still gave them a smile, to the team members, to Katherine, before leaving and meeting with her boss.

Katherine watched as the woman was being scolded in whispers and tried to argument back to her boss. Explaining herself and trying to advocate for her place to stay, leaning on the agreement of the HC of the unit.

"Are you okay?"

Emily had stepped into her sight of view. Clearly anxious of her answer. Had she said anything?

Amaranthine - Emily PrentissWhere stories live. Discover now