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As the elevator opened, Prentiss took a step forward to enter her domaine. As she walked forwards she stopped in her tracks as she heard something rare. Roy's laugh.

Katherine was talking to someone Prentiss had never taken attention to, a man. Tall, build and quite a looker he was talking with Katherine with a big smile. No profiler was needed to understand his attraction to the young women.

Prentiss thought for a bit about how a romance like this wouldn't need her concern seeing as this unknown person wasn't part of her team thought it put a seed of concern in her mind.

"OMG" Garcia said as she saw the scene. Prentiss shushed her as she guided her away like she was caught watching them, like it was criminal.

"T-that's Mark from the 3rd floor!" Garcia whispered to Prentiss, both now spying on them.

"And who's that?"

"He's the building playboy that tried to flirt with you, me and JJ years back? You don't remember? He basically flirts with every women of every floor"

"I don't remember him" Emily said as she tried to remember this new information.

"Yeah, well that's cuz you didn't fall for his bullshit"

Garcia tried walking towards Katherine before Emily stopped her. "We have to warn her"

"Come on, She can handle herself" She said as they left, Prentiss keeping her eyes on her till the last minute.


As some time passed, the team arrived and sat in the conference room as Garcia paced around the room thinking about Katherine and all the bad things that could happen.

Katherine was the last to come in, Prentiss thought that maybe she had been talking with him all this time considering she usually is punctual.

Garcia stood frozen as she looked at her and came rushing at her side almost trembling. Katherine looked at her with a slightly worried and disgusted look.

"You're sweating Garcia, why are you sweating?"
She opened her mouth but nothing came out as she looked at Emily and back at her.

"Ok...Ill give you time" Katherine said as she gave a small pat on her shoulder and went to sit down she glanced at Prentiss who gave her a look of ignorance and innocence about her agents behaviour.

"So," Emily said as she stood up and took over

"A week ago, a young couple was found in their home, both had been poisoned. Local police thought it was a collective suicide since the women had a miscarriage 3 weeks before.

However, another couple was just found yesterday, same death but no reliable motive, newly weds" She said as she showed pictures of both couples and the crime scene. They layed on their beds looking peacefully in a deadly sleep.

"So someone is targeting couples? Could be jealousy, the unsub just got out of a relationship" JJ said.

"They have anything related to each other?" Morgan asked Garcia,

"H-hum no, different neighbourhoods, no kids, different jobs." She said.

"And different victimology" Reid added as he looked at his files. "The first couple was probably falling apart because of a miscarriage and the second was thriving, they had just bought their house and we in the start of a great relationship.

So why target both? Usually you would just be jealous of a great relationship"

"We'll find out. Wheels up in 15"

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