Chapter 19

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The next week was like any other, except now Rose spent more time with Scorpius. They'd started working together in the library, helping each other with their work. In Advanced Potions they were now beginning the process of making the Chelidonium Miniscula and were required to be in groups of three. Amelia and Scorpius had both immediately turned to Rose, so they'd formed a group.

On top of all her work, Rose had Quidditch practice four times a week. The team were really skilled and all committed to the team. In a space of just two and a half weeks, Rose felt her team had a very good chance of beating Slytherin.

The morning of the Quidditch game arrived. Rose was awake early after having had a restless sleep the night before and could only imagine how the new players on the team were feeling. She knew there was no point lying in bed so she dressed in her Quidditch robes and went down to the Great Hall. No one else from the team was there yet, but they slowly trickled in, everyone nervous except for Jessica. "This is going to be such a good game!" Jess exclaimed. "Those Slytherins don't stand a chance!"Most of the team just nodded, some of them looking very queasy."Come on everyone." Rose said. "Eat up! You'll need energy for the game." Rose started nibbling at the corners of her toast.

The hall started filling up with the students, all dressed in the colours of the team they were supporting. Rose groaned when the Slytherin team entered, as they all booed loudly across the hall at Rose and the team. Thankfully, the many supporters of Gryffindor yelled insults back at the Slytherins.

All too soon, it came time to go down to the pitch. The team walked down in a tight huddle and entered the changing rooms. The team were all very quiet with the exception of Jessica, who was buzzing around the changing rooms yelling out words of encouragement to the team. "Alright everyone!" Rose said, standing up so that everyone could see her. "You've all trained so well these past few weeks and I'm confident that we have a very good chance of beating Slytherin! Just remember what we practiced and don't let what they say get to you. We all make mistakes so don't beat yourself up if you do something wrong. You're all fantastic players! Ok, let's go."

They walked out on the pitch carrying their broomsticks. Rose shook hands with the Slytherin captain, Lucas Hinch, who almost crushed her hand. "Right, mount your brooms." The referee, Madam Lakely called. Rose got on her Firebolt, her legs bent and ready for a hard push off to get the Quaffle first. "On my whistle. Three... Two... One..." The shrill call off the whistle rang out across the pitch. The Quaffle was thrown upwards and Rose kicked off hard, her arm outstretched towards the red ball. Her hand closed around it and she pulled it in close, just beating Slytherin Chaser, Gregory Thompson to it. He swore loudly, but Rose was already way above him, soaring towards the goals. Casey and Ava were flying slightly behind her on either side. Rose was so focussed on the game she couldn't even hear the crowd. Out of nowhere a Slytherin Chaser soared upwards a few metres ahead directly in front of her. Rose instinctively passed the Quaffle to Ava on her right. Rose swerved sharply to the left to avoid the oncoming Slytherin. It was only thanks to the speed of her Firebolt that she managed to avoid colliding into him. The field was clear between Ava and the goalposts. She held the Quaffle in her hand, poised to score. She faked a shot to the right, making the Keeper swerve, then threw it into the left goal. SCORE! Rose cheered. "Well done Ava!"

Rose glanced up at James who was circling the field, his eyes narrowed in concentration as he searched for the Snitch. Turning her attention back to the game happening, Rose readied herself to catch the Quaffle. Gryffindor gained possession. Casey was racing down the pitch again, Rose flew beside her. Out of nowhere a Bludger came pelting towards Ava. She noticed it a at the last moment, yelping and swerving upwards. She dodged the Bludger, but dropped the Quaffle. A Slytherin zoomed underneath her, catching the Quaffle and turning towards their goals. Larcon hit a Bludger towards the Chaser, but he swerved and kept on going. The field was clear ahead and Gryffindor couldn't do anything but watch, except for Jessica. The Chaser held the Quaffle high and pelted it towards the left goal. Jessica lunged for it, her arm outstretched to catch it or whack it away. The Quaffle hit her fingertips, but it wasn't enough to stop it. Slytherin scored, making the score even, 10-10.

The game continued on for what seemed like ages, the possession of the Quaffle constantly changing, goals being scored by both teams. Jessica made some incredible saves and Lorcan and Lucas managed to make a few Slytherins drop the Quaffle. After an hour, the Snitch still hadn't even been sighted. The score was 100-70 to Slytherin when Rose noticed out of the corner of her eye James in a head-first dive towards the ground. His arm was reaching out to the golden glint just in front of him. All players stopped, watching James. The Slytherin Seeker was racing across from the other side of the field, but he was too far away.

James snatched at the Snitch, catching it in his hand as he crashed into the ground, rolling over and over. Rose gasped. Watching with concern as James stood up on shaky legs, holding the up the Snitch triumphantly. Rose cheered and whooped along with the rest of the supporters. She swooped down and landed next to James, pulling him into a tight hug. "Fantastic James!" She yelled. "Hope that crash didn't hurt too much."

"Nothing Madam Hartley won't be able to fix." he said smiling at her.

The rest of the team had rushed over, congratulating James.

The celebration in the common room that night was amazing. The team were treated like heroes and Rose received many positive comments about the tactics she'd taught the team that were used in the game.

Rose didn't get to sleep until the early hours of the morning, her mind still buzzing with thoughts about the game and their spectacular win.

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