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Luna sighed heavily after greeting her worried soulmates. They'd fussed over her, her hand, and the scattering of bandages across her left leg that Joon had put there on the plane once he realized she had some scratches there.

"I'm fine, physically at least. Right now, I just want to get rid of these plane germs," she says, barely escaping the mob with promises of explaining what happened once she gets out of the shower.

She takes her time scrubbing every single inch of her body while she tries to collect her thoughts. The hours long flight did nothing for her turbulent emotions. This altercation and the fact that it had to happen in the first place felt like a knife being twisted right in her gut. She expected everything that happened with Tanya. They'll never, ever be on good terms, but what she hadn't expected was the betrayal from her grandmother. That was what was tearing her up inside right now. How could she? is all she kept thinking, tears mixing with the shower water as the hurt nestled in deep.

JK attempts to go and check on her, but Joon places a hand on his shoulder. Instinct is telling him as painful as it is, she needs to feel this. If he went in now, she would immediately pull herself together enough to stop the tears, in turn stopping the emotions she needed to work through. She'd done it on the plane, shut down and went numb once she felt herself getting too emotional.

"We'll comfort her once she gets out," Tae assures the maknae, wrapping his arms around him sideways and resting his head against his.

By the time she gets out, her fingers are pruning, but her tears have thankfully run dry for now. She'd need to be composed to tell this story.

As soon as her feet hit the bottom step, JK and Tae were wrapped around her, their comforting embraces making her want to bawl her eyes out again.

"I love you guys but I don't want to cry again," she chuckles, patting their arms as they let go.

"But it's okay to cry love. If you feel like that, you probably need to," Yoongi says from his spot in the corner of the sectional.

He opens his arms, lifting the blanket for them to crawl into and she immediately feels better in the comforts of home, tucked between her soulmates.

"Thought you might need one of these," Jin says, coming out of the kitchen with a large smoothie in his hand.

"Thank you Jinnie, I'm definitely not turning it down," she smiles, puckering her lips for him to peck as he passes her the cup.

"You're welcome love," he replies, lightly placing his lips on hers before making his way to the end of the cuddle pile.

Hobi reaches over to rub her knee, a comforting gesture that made her smile and Jimin catches her eyes as best he can from his lap, an unspoken question in them. Joon opts for the floor in front of Jin, his fresh hair and damp clothes indicating he'd taken a quick shower.

"Alright, story time. How much did you tell them Joon?" she asks, looking down at him.

"Just that you got into a fight with one of your cousins and that you were really, really upset about it. I think that the reason should come from you," he says and she nods.

"Okay, well the cousin I fought is Tanya, my uncle Nate's daughter. He was the bartender at my birthday party," she says and they nod, remember him.

"Was she the one with the red braids?" Tae asks and she shakes her head.

"No, that was Brittany, stank attitude but wrong cousin," she chuckles.

"Tanya has been disowned. She set my grandparents up to be robbed. Like the man he was, my grandfather went to get his gun. He managed to scare them off, but died of a heart attack after they left. By the time help arrived, he was already dead," she says, watching as shocked looks cross their faces.

Luna III: The Final Chapter(A BTS Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now