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"We'll end this session with you all telling me how you put yourselves first today. Kitana, we'll start with you," Ms. Kang, their therapist states, making Luna groan playfully.

"I know you don't like going first and that's exactly why I pick you," she says, making them laugh.

"So I don't have time to "marinate," I know," Luna sighs, making the older woman give her an amused look.

About a month into group therapy, Ms. Kang noticed that Luna has a way with words, so well that if she's given time to think, her answers come out very coded. They could mean one thing at surface level and another once studied deeply. This is why she chooses Luna to go first now, so that she gets a raw answer—not just something to appease her and the others. She has a tendency of downplaying her issues so that others won't worry about her and it's more detrimental in the long run than just being straight forward about it.

"I put myself first by meditating this morning," she says and Ms. Kang nods, happy with her answer.

"No trouble concentrating?" she asks and Luna shakes her head no.

Ms. Kang had strongly recommended meditation for her, but at first, she had trouble concentrating. However, the longer they stayed here on this island, the more relaxed and at ease she felt. With that, the level of concentration she was able to achieve heightened.

"Great, Jeongguk?" Ms. Kang asks, moving on.

"I exercised this early morning and took a long walk on the beach alone," he replies, making his therapist and his soulmates smile proudly.

When they had first arrived, although it was just them and a very limited amount of staff, he still had issues being alone. Before, that walk on the beach by himself would've ended in an anxiety attack. Now, he was making amazing progress and everyone was glad to see it.


"I ate a big stack of pancakes and half pack of bacon this morning and didn't feel guilty for it, nor weigh myself afterwards," he says proudly, making them chuckle.

Although it wasn't as bad as it was in the past, Jimin still had issues with weight and body image. He ate the least out of everyone and confessed that it was because he wanted to remain desirable in one of their earlier sessions. After plenty of assurances and encouragement to eat more, he was finally able to eat what he wanted without worrying about how it would make him look.

"Good job Jimin. Remember that it's perfectly fine in moderation. Everyone deserves to eat what they want as well as maintain a good relationship with food. Seokjin?"

"I haven't done a single thing today besides play a PC game and eat snacks," he says proudly.

Jin is a fixer. He feels low value when he's not doing things for others. Although doing things for others is nice, it's not healthy to attach that to your self worth nor stretch yourself thin doing it. He needed to relax more and let his capable soulmates do things for themselves sometimes. He's allowed lazy days just like everyone else and now he could have one without guilt.

"Very good, we all deserve breaks. Hoseok?"

"I didn't wake up in the best mood today and I didn't pretend to be happier to appease anyone else. My mood got better naturally and that felt a lot better than forcing it," he says.

Of all their issues, Luna thinks that Hobi's hit her the hardest. She felt like she'd been gutted when he confessed that he didn't feel like he added much value to the relationship if he wasn't the one keeping everyone happy. He also felt like he wasn't as likeable if he wasn't happy all the time. So, he'd fake it—plaster a beautiful smile on his face when all he had was rain clouds inside. He too has needed plenty assurances at first, but now he was comfortable showing his real emotions and not one of them likes him any less because of it.

Luna III: The Final Chapter(A BTS Soulmate AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora