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Luna giggles as Tae bear hugs her, picking her up off her feet and rocking her side to side before placing a lingering kiss on her lips.

"Love you, see you in a week," he says and she nods.

"Love you too," she whispers back, smiling up at him as she moves on to Yoongi.

"See you next week kitten," he says, pecking her on the forehead before hugging her as well.

"Okay, don't overwork yourself. Do things besides work," she chides in a strained whisper.

"I will, and you make sure you do something about that throat when you get on the plane," he says, making her smirk.

"Yeah, because you've done enough," she says, making him chuckle before he grabs her chin and pecks her lips gently.

"They usually have tea. Make sure you drink some," Hobi says and she nods against his chest as they embrace.

"I will Daddy," she smirks and he looks up at the sky before looking back down at her.

"This is why that throat of yours is out of commission now," he teases and she jabs her fingers in his side as he pulls back, making him laugh.

She reaches for Jimin next who grabs her hips and kisses her deeply. She smiles on his lips when he's finished, both of them breathless.

"Something to remember me by," he winks, reaching around her to tap her ass.

She squints at him playfully and moves on to Jin who kisses her cheek, then her lips before pulling her into his arms.

"Let us know when you land okay? And get some rest. You have a full week ahead of you," he says and she nods.

"Will do," she smiles, squeezing him once before letting him go.

She and JK look at each other playfully before he scoops her up by her waist and spins, her hands resting on his shoulders before he puts her down.

"I'm gonna miss you sooo much," he groans, burying his face in her neck.

"I'm gonna miss you too Jungie," she sighs, squeezing him hard.

He was supposed to come along with her and Joon, but his family had convinced him to come and spend the week with them instead. They all needed that time together so it didn't take much for him to agree.

"Take lots of pictures for me," he says and she nods.

"Of course, and don't forget I'm just a phone call or text away. Don't hesitate to contact me for anything—even if it's just to sing you to sleep—well once I get my voice back," she says and he nods, pulling back to look down at her face.

"I will, don't worry okay?" he says, pecking her nose as she nods.

"I'll always worry about you, little husband," she teases, making him scoff as they pull away.

"Ready?" Joon asks and she nods, placing her hand in his.

They wave at their spouses before heading towards the jet.

"Wifey?" JK calls, making her look back.

"You're limping," he winks and she rolls her eyes, flipping him off.

She could still hear them laughing as she and Joon settle into their seats and put their seat belts on.

They were all leaving the island today—she and Joon to go museum hopping in the states; Tae to rendezvous solo in Paris, Hobi on a leisurely trip to both LA and Hawaii, where he would meet Jiwoo; Yoongi to Korea to work on collabs he hadn't had the time to before; and Jin, Jimin, and JK to Korea as well to spend a week with their families.

Luna III: The Final Chapter(A BTS Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now