Chapter 11: Raiden

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Liu Kang runs to Raiden's side.

LIU KANG: Lord Raiden! We should listen. He may be telling the truth!

Raiden takes something from his belt. The camera pans to his back, not showing what the object is.

RAIDEN: There is only one way to find out.

A charging sound is heard, and Scorpion is blasted backwards by a bolt of energy. We now see that Raiden has used Shinnok's amulet. The ninja remains on the ground, writhing in agony.

RAIDEN: Now, Scorpion. The truth!

Liu Kang, clearly disturbed at what he's just seen, steps in
between Raiden and Scorpion.

LIU KANG: Raiden, stop this!

Raiden shoves him aside.

RAIDEN: Step aside, Liu Kang!

LIU KANG: Put down the amulet! Its darkness is taking hold of you!

In response, Raiden blasts Liu Kang with a burst of energy, knocking him to the ground.

RAIDEN: Our time has run out. I do what I must to save Earthrealm.

As Liu Kang rises, Raiden charges up his hands with lightning and strikes the ground near the Shaolin's feet.

RAIDEN: Stay down!

LIU KANG: This is not the way. Scorpion is not the enemy this time.

RAIDEN: Liu Kang, do not interfere!

They fight. Even though both of them are holding back, the battle is an even match, with Liu Kang's martial arts skill quite possibly surpassing even Raiden's. But the Thunder God's immortality means that he will always hold the advantage, and Raiden eventually manages to knock Liu Kang to the floor.

RAIDEN: Do not force my hand, Liu Kang. The realms hang in the balance! To defend them, I must command order!

Liu Kang stands back to his feet, disbelief evident in his eyes.

LIU KANG: I thought it impossible, but the revenants were right.

He points a finger at Raiden.

LIU KANG: You cannot be trusted!

RAIDEN: I do not need trust! I demand obedience!

On the word "obedience", Raiden charges his hands with lightning.

But this time the lightning flashes red, and his eyes also turn from blue to red.

LIU KANG: Enough of your madness. If you must die... so be it.

On hearing those words, Raiden steps backward, uncertainty gripping him. His eyes fade from red back to blue.

RAIDEN: This-- this has happened... before...

The scene cuts to an abandoned building in Earthrealm, with a green portal opened. Shao Kahn walks through the portal, standing and taking in his surroundings. Across from him, Liu Kang clenches his fist and starts forward, but Raiden steps in his path.

RAIDEN: Liu Kang, do not interfere! You cannot fight Shao Kahn!

In response, Liu Kang charges his fist with his signature fire.

RAIDEN: Liu Kang, stop!

LIU KANG: Enough of your madness! If you must die, so be it!

Liu Kang jumps in the air the intent of running through Raiden with a flaming punch. In self defense, Raiden catches his hand and channels lightning through it, electrocuting Liu Kang,
who screams from the pain and is blasted backwards...

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