•5• Running out of time •5•

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I wasn't very focused on work today.

My mind kept drifting to that moment...

I took a deep breath and powered through all my mandatory work hours and hurried home, just to see him again.

I found the master tying a garbage bag as he finished clearing his garden.
I decided not to interrupt and tried to find the keys in my bag.

I heard the sound of water, him probably washing his hands at his garden faucet. Then I saw him lean on the fence in my peripheral vision.

"You are back."

"I am."

"How are... the... animals...?"

"Wrong question."
I taunted.

I heard a thud as he hopped over the fence and approached.

"Did you miss me?"

My heart fluttered and I almost lost grip on my house key.
"G-Good question. Very human question."

"You know,"
The master leaned his side on the house wall by my doorway.
"...most humans I saw know how to open a door."

"Are you hungry?"
I asked nervously.

"And why's that?"

"I thought... we could... make something together..."
I scratched the back of my neck.

"Wow. You are really helpless without me. Carrying stuff, planting, falling asleep, making food..."
He gave me a cocky smile.

"It's called 'spending time' and 'being close' with someone one likes..."
I murmured.

"Hm. I see."
He got even closer and held my hand with both of his. He moved my hand and used it to unlock my door.

"I can add 'opening doors' to the list."

"S-Shut up!"

"Make me."
The master taunted, looking straight into my eyes with his dark ones.

"Go on,"
He said and moved his thumb across my hand.
"Do it again."

"Too scared to kiss a girl, master?"
I tried to be bold.

"I am not the one glued their doorframe."

"I'm not!"
I protested, straightening up and leaning my hands on his chest over the hearts, in an attempt to tower over him.

His hands raised to my cheeks and he kissed me for a few seconds.

I slightly giggled when we parted.
"Your beard tickles."

The master hummed, smiling.
I leaned in for another kiss.
And one more.
And an extra one.

"O-Okay. I'll change up quickly and we'll go to the market, alright?"
I let go before I'd explode from how flustered I was.

"Fine by me."
He kept it cool, but there was a glint of awe in his eyes.

I quickly changed out of the zoo uniform shirt and put on my prettiest one, grabbed a flannel and let my hair loose.

The master's mouth slightly opened when he saw me again.

"Don't make such a big deal out of it."
I mumbled, embarrassed.
I pushed my key into his hand so he could close the door.
"I had to match your style SOMEHOW."

I took the key back and started leading us to the market.
"We can make... um... honestly, I'm not that good at making food..."

"I don't mind."
His hand brushed against mine.
"We can do something else."

Attachment ~ The Master [Doctor Who] (FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now