•9• Loss •9•

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I felt a strong sense of unease, standing in a hall surrounded by metal, heartless monsters.

We were just... waiting. I don't know what for. I don't know how the master will get the doctor to enter into his trap or what will happen if she does.

I nervously waited to see the blue box.
A Dalek and a Cybermaster kept me between them as if I was their prisoner.
Well, I AM a prisoner in a way.

The master stepped forwards as Rasputin, confident as ever.
It wasn't the TARDIS that appeared- it was a Dalek. Broken down, used as a holding cell.

"Hello, Doctor. Welcome to the end of your existence."

I wanted to do something to help, but... I can't. There's nothing I can do.

"Say hello to my friends. I believe we're all acquainted, right? Do you like the garb? I love the garb. Got to dress for the occasion."
How can he ramble at a time like this?

"I was just thinking we could call this the Master's Dalek Plan. Or the, er... Cyber-Dalek Master Plan, or the Cyber-Master's Dalek Plan? I can't quite get it. But in the end I suppose we'll just call it the day I killed the Doctor... with a little help from my friends."

I physically reacted, slightly jumping in shock, which made the cybermaster raise a hand and the dalek turn a laser at me, as a warning.
Kill her? He's going to kill the doctor?
All these monsters in the room... united by hatred. 'Fam'. That's what he calls them.

"So everything else was a diversion?"
The doctor was confused.
The seismologists, the paintings, his arrest... were nothing.

"No. No. No! Not a diversion. Very important!"
He insisted.
"Three-phase plan. You'll see. Except you won't. But rest assured, without you to defend it, Earth will fall very, very fast."

I yelled out but was forcefully held back.
My family, my colleagues...

The doctor struggled in her cell.
"Y/n! Don't worry, I'll- I'll find a way to save-"

"She doesn't need saving from you, doctor. At least, not as long as you are yourself."

"What do you mean by that?!"
I freaked out.

"It’s okay, love. You are not in danger.
It's the doctor that should start fearing.
You see, doctor, I shall do a small tribute to our elders: Forced regeneration."

The doctor's eyes widened, though she did her best to keep her cool.
"You don't have the technology."

"I do. I do. I do! When I ransacked Gallifrey, I took everything.
But where would he get the power? If only I had a planet built for this purpose. No, wait, wait. I DO!"
The master was very proud of his terrible plan.

The doctor won't die, then. She'll regenerate. But why go all the trouble of getting special technology and an entire planet energy just for that?
Almost every regeneration is a forced one, in a sense.
...no, the master isn't stupid. It's either an ego thing or something WAYY more than that. Or both.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when 'Rasputin' by Boney m. started playing and he started dancing.
So THAT'S why he chose 1916.
He looked ridiculous, but I was too horrified about what's about to go down to laugh. I think he expected me to join him, but obviously I didn't.

"Let's get you out of this."
He announced to the doctor when he was done with his shenanigans.

Half of the robots in the room took part in delivering giant glass containers and forcing her inside one of them.

Attachment ~ The Master [Doctor Who] (FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now