•0• Moving in •0•

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Dug this 2022 fanfic from my drafts hehehe


I'm tired of living in the city with THEM ALIENS invading whenever!

All these killer-laser-salt-shakers and freaky stuff in the sky are DEFINITELY not for me.

Also, I don't think I know London as well as I thought. Sometimes, when I walk and look in my phone, I bump my head into a misplaced vintage blue phone box.
Who's moving it around? Is this some sort of prank or something?

And here I am now. Starting a new life in a small town, hopefully away enough from most of the drama.

Got myself a nice house in this peaceful place. Better than the rented apartment I used to have. My family abroad sent me some money to help with paying.

I know everything about computers and machines. I even have a degree and experience, working in VOR and managing a crew and all, but I don't think it's needed here.
This place doesn't have big business, just shops and stores and other small local places. There are mostly old people and young families living here.

I DID hear that there's a petting zoo in the park, so I think I'll go work there.

Okay, I better start unpacking.

I love my new home. It's small with a little garden, with a fence surrounding it and a gate in the front. There are similar neighbouring houses on both sides, one of them is the last one in my street. It's in the corner of the town, in fact.

As I took everything out of the boxes, I wondered what I should do when I wake up tomorrow.

I can afford to take a few days to getting to know my surroundings.
Should I try to cook or bake something? I'm not that good, but maybe a small hand-made snack will be a good ice-breaker with my neighbours...

Knock knock

Someone was waiting by the door as I was organising my books. I messily stuffed the pile onto the shelf, somehow avoided a book dropping on my foot and hurried to meet the visitor.

There was a sweet old woman with a warm smile waiting by the door.

"Good evening, sweetheart!"
She said slowly.
Evening? Oh. I've been unpacking for so long, it is already dark.

"My name is Daisy, I am your new neighbour from the house on the right."

"Oh, nice to meet you!"
I smiled, happy to have someone who isn't a grumpy college kid living by me.
"My name is Y/n."

"What a beautiful name!"
She remarked, even though I think mine's pretty bland.
"I am just dropping by to meet you. And to give you my signature dish."

Daisy gave me a warm glass container of tasty-smelling food.

"You can return the container when you are done. And if you need any tips about gardening or just any help, feel free to come by anytime. Even for a simple tea and chat."

"Wow, I... I don't know what to say... thanks a lot, Daisy!"
I didn't even think about what I'd eat for dinner, so this solved it.

"Don't fret if more people come here in the next few days. You see, everyone pretty much knows everyone in here."

"Oh, that's fine. Thanks for the heads up."
Sounds fun. I've always wondered how it is to live in such places, where everyone's kinda acquainted.

"I never really talked with people in the city, so it's nice to know the people I live with for once. Tomorrow, I think I'll go to meet my other neighbour."
I told her, as her friendliness made me feel more social than usual.

As I talked, her smile faltered.
"Honey... I think you'd might want to skip the house on the other side."

"Huh? Why's that, if I may ask?"

"I promise you that everyone else in this town is perfectly nice and friendly, just not Mr. O."
She tried to explain.
"He is... a bit strange, very closed and distant and keeps for himself. Which -I mean- it isn't necessarily bad, but he is also quite rude and short-tempered..."
She paused.

"I think... his family lived here for a long time. They barely left the house, too...
...well, I'm getting off-track. I am not telling you what to do, it's your choice, after all. But just keep that in mind and don't be upset too much if you DO decide to see him."

"Oh... I see."
I said, but then slightly snickered.
"Tch, 'Oh'."

Daisy returned a smile.
"Alright, we'll catch up other time.
I should go to bed and I don't want to disrupt your unpacking. Sweet dreams."

"Goodnight, thank you for visiting!"
I waved and closed the door.
I put the food on my dining table.
Now where did I pack my utensils...?

Daisy's dish was SO GOOD.
I like her, she gives off kind grandma energy.

I wasn't sure what to think about what she said. But I started scrolling through some easy recipes, just in case I decide to go anyway.

But all I know is that I chose a relatively good place to live in. I don't think I'll leave anytime soon.

Well? Short pilot chapter!!

Stick around, things will get interesting pretty quick...

Attachment ~ The Master [Doctor Who] (FINISHED!)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat