Let Me Love You

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Beginning of November, 2001
Ministry of Magic, Mexico City ~ Draco

After what feels like minutes of tumbling through time and space, but what he knows is actually only seconds, Draco's feet finally hit solid ground. He keeps his eyes closed, fighting the nausea that always seems to accompany every Portkey trip. Draco deeply inhales through his nose, willing his stomach to settle quickly. His hand tightly holds Hermione's, their fingers twined together and neither of them wanting to let go.

It's not until he feels her fingers flexing around his that Draco finally opens his eyes. With his head still angled down, the first thing the wizard notices is the brightly colored tiles beneath his dragonhide shoes. When he's certain that the contents of his stomach will stay where they're supposed to, Draco slowly lifts his head to take in his surroundings.

The Mexican Ministry of Magic couldn't have been more different from the one Draco was accustomed to seeing if it tried. Where the British Ministry was lined with dark tiles, causing the walls to feel like they're closing in on you, this one was the exact opposite. Their Portkey lands them in the open, courtyard style atrium. The colorful ground tiles are accompanied by the bright yellow walls which are lined with tall, beautiful archways leading to the different departments of the Ministry. Every wall is decorated with luscious green foliage, vines twisting across the expanse and edging the archways. In the middle of the courtyard sits a large fountain made from mosaic tiles of the most gorgeous shades of blues and greens.

"Are you okay?"

Hermione's question takes Draco away from his perusing observations of the building. Turning to look down at her, his hold on her hand tightens when he notices the red that rims her eyes. It reminds him that only moments ago they said their goodbyes with Rose, and he knows that his own eyes must mirror hers. The blond nods his head in her direction, and before he can utter a verbal response, a Ministry official approaches them.

"Señorita Granger, Señor Malfoy."

At the sound of their names, Draco and Hermione turn their attention to the young man approaching them, their hands unclasping in the process – much to Draco's dismay. The deep red of his Ministry robes complements his tanned skin and dark eyes. When the wizard reaches them, a warm, welcoming smile spreads across his face.

"My name is Alejandro Cuaquentzi. I am Undersecretary to our esteemed Minister, Doña Xiomara De La Luz. The Minister is attending to some important matters at the moment, but she wishes to welcome you to our beautiful country."

When the Ministry official comes to a stop in front of them, he dips his head in greeting. Hermione immediately begins speaking to the man, but Draco is too distracted to listen. Instead, he focuses on the way the Undersecretary's eyes seem to trail up and down his witch's body. Flames of jealousy begin trickling through his veins, causing his fingers to twitch with the need to possessively wrap around her waist.

Before he can give into that temptation, however, Sr. Cuaquentzi turns and leads them through one of the many archways leading outside of the atrium. Unsure of where they're going but too embarrassed to admit he paid the conversation zero attention, Draco blindly follows along.

They're led down a few hallways before the Undersecretary ushers them into the lift. With every step they take, fingers brush together, and it takes everything in him not to wrap his pinky around hers. But this isn't the time nor the place for that. Once they reach the proper floor, Alejandro guides them through a few more twists and turns in the halls before finally coming to a stop.

"Here are the Archives," the Ministry official says, gesturing to a set of grand doors covered in gold filigree behind him. "You are welcome to conduct any and all research you may need here. If you are in need of any assistance, please let me know. I'm here for anything you may need, Señorita Granger."

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