Kiss Me, Beneath the Milky Twilight

176 4 2

December 1996

A gently falling snow drifts across the Hogwarts grounds. A kaleidoscope of pinks and oranges sparkle off the blankets of snow as the setting sun hits them. Students are wandering through the grounds, enjoying the beauty of the landscape as they celebrate the end of the first term. However, some students just can't seem to find their way out of the library, despite classes being finished.

Draco pushes the large wooden doors open, his many rings clanging against the bronze filigree. He confidently strides through the library, books flying past his head as he makes his way to the back. He quickly finds Hermione sitting at their usual table, completely engrossed in a book.

"Really, Granger? What can you possibly have to study for? Today was the last day of the term," he teases her, the Malfoy smirk prominently displayed as he places his hand on the back of the chair across from her and leans into it.

Hermione glances up at him and rolls her eyes dramatically as she tucks a curl behind her ear, a radiant smile slowly stretching across her face as she drops her eyes back to the text.

"No, of course I'm not studying. I just wanted to do some light reading of my own since exams are finished now."

Draco snorts at her use of the term "light reading." In the world of Hermione Granger, light reading equates to, at minimum, three books, all of which have at least six hundred pages to them.

Choosing to ignore his snort, she continues speaking to him.

"If it's such a bore to be in the library tonight, then why, pray tell, are you here as well?"

"Because I knew you'd be here," he says, as if the answer should be obvious, shrugging his shoulders slightly.

He reaches across the table and flips the book closed in front of her, ignoring her incredulous shouts of protest.

"Come on, let's go," he insists.

"Go where?" Hermione asks, eyes narrowing in skepticism, but gathering her books up anyway.

"Anywhere but the library, Granger," he says with a roll of his eyes, outstretching his hand towards her - an invitation.

She eyes his hand, a hint of apprehension briefly crosses her features before turning into guarded enthusiasm. It wouldn't be the first time their hands touch - it's actually happened quite frequently - but something about this time is different. Hermione collects her books into the crook of her arm, and then tentatively reaches out and places her hand into his, shyly looking up into his eyes.

When their hands make contact, Draco feels the familiar ripple of magic surge from her, igniting his skin in an enchanting grip of her bewitchment. His eyes flash from their joined hands up to Hermione's caramel colored eyes, questioning if she had also felt the alluring surge of power. Her eyes hold the same curious questioning as his do. Shaking the confusion from himself, Draco softly tightens his grip on her hand as she comes to fully stand next to him, a gentle smile on his face, a smile that she returns.

Not loosening his hold on her hand, Draco begins to lead her out of the library, Hermione slightly trailing behind him. He walks them out onto the grounds, the beginnings of starlight sparkling against the freshly fallen snow. Through the connection of their hands, he can feel the shiver that runs through Hermione.

"Malfoy, why are we outside? It's freezing out here."

Instead of answering her right away, he takes out his wand and casts a warming charm over both of them. Draco lets go of her hand, only to wrap his arm around her shoulders as he starts striding along the snow covered path away from the school.

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