But In the End, It Doesn't Even Matter

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June 1997

Leaving the Slytherin Common Room, Draco makes his way through the dungeons, Snape's office being his destination. He makes no effort to rush there, choosing instead to take very labored steps. Despite Hermione's insistence that the Potions Professor will have to do whatever he can in order to keep Draco safe, he can't push down the feeling of doubt that is creeping up inside of him.

When he finally reaches the dark, dingy door, he raises his fist and delivers two hard raps against the wood. It takes only a moment for it to swing open, revealing the tall, dark man with a hooked nose.

"Mr. Malfoy." Professor Snape's deep voice drawls. "To what do I owe this," he pauses, looking Draco up and down before continuing, "unexpected visit?"

"May I come in, Professor?" Draco's eyes flit around nervously, ensuring that no one is around to see their interaction.

In lieu of a verbal response, the man steps aside as he widens the door. With one last glance around the dungeon corridor, Draco steps past his professor and heads straight for the desk. He sits down in the seat that lies in front of it without waiting for an invitation to do so. He remains silent as Snape stalks to the desk, and slowly lowers himself into his own chair.

Neither wizard says anything as they look at one another – everything that needs to be said goes unspoken for many minutes. Draco can feel a slight nudge of magic snaking around the edges of his mind. His walls are already built high, not allowing anyone in, but that doesn't stop him from pushing the intruding magic out.

Professor Snape raises a single brow, his head tilting to the side at Draco's ability to force him out of his mind. "Your Occlumency has greatly improved, Mr. Malfoy."

"Aunt Bella's methods of teaching are quite... persuasive." The implication was clear. "I had no choice but to improve my skills."

"Your aunt has also been teaching you Legilimency, correct?"

Draco nods his head once.

The professor clasps his hands together, resting them on the desk in front of him. "Why are you here?"

Draco opens his mouth to respond but stops short. As much as he wants out of this, now that he's faced with the opportunity to potentially make that happen, he hesitates. 'Is it worth it? Will it even work?' A million images of different scenarios run through his thoughts until his mind finally settles on one image – the only image that matters – Hermione. 'Yes,' he thinks. 'Anything is worth it to protect her... Anything.'

"I need your help," he finally admits.

"I have offered you my assistance many times this year, yet you very adamantly informed me that you did not need it."

"You offered your assistance in completing the task... that's not what I'm asking for." Snape's brows raise high onto his forehead.

"What is it you're requesting help in, then?"

Draco clenches his hands into fists, the tension in his shoulders building. "I need your help in getting out of it. I can't do it. I won't do it." His eyes drop down to the desk, unable to look him in the eyes as he admits this to a fellow Death Eater.

"Dumbledore must die," Snape says simply. Draco's silver eyes flash up. "There is no other way. It must be done."

"Then you do it, Severus." Draco doesn't attempt to hide his irritation, knowing that calling his teacher by his given name will only spurn him on. "I'm getting out. I'm not going to be his puppet anymore."

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