I Hate Everything About You, Why Do I Love You?

109 2 1

June 1997

It's been two days since Draco used Legilimency on Hermione, and he has barely seen her since that night. It's not unusual for them to go a few days without meeting, but Draco can't help feeling as if there's something more to it this time – or maybe it's just the guilt he feels at invading her mind without her consent.

Needing a safe place to let his anxieties out, he finds himself pacing back and forth in front of the Room of Requirement. When the door appears in front of him, he quickly yanks it open and steps through it, his hand nervously combing through his hair.

He's surprised to find Hermione already there, sitting on the couch. He stops short, and all he can say is a quick, "Hi."

Sitting very still, back straight and hands clasped in her lap, Hermione gives him a small smile and returns his greeting. "You look like you've seen a ghost." She says in a slightly amused tone.

Draco minutely shakes his head to clear it before answering. "No, sorry, you just caught me off guard. I didn't expect to see you tonight. I thought you were with Potter."

Her gaze flickers down the floor in front of her before quickly looking back to meet his eyes again. "No, not tonight."

"Oh, okay. That's great then. We can spend more time together before-" He stops mid-sentence as the realization of what the very near future holds for them. "Before school ends." His voice trails off to a whisper, not knowing what is going to happen with them when he has to return back to the Manor.

She gives him a sad, knowing smile as she holds her hand out toward him. "Come here," she tells him. "Come sit with me."

Draco joins her on the couch, and she slides her hand into his as soon as he's seated, locking her fingers with his. She leans her head against his shoulder as his thumb starts to draw circles on the back of her hand. He allows his eyes to close as his head drops to the side, resting atop hers. His anxieties immediately start to calm at the feeling of her against him, at her invitation to join her. That calmness doesn't last long, however.

"I had an interesting dream the other night." Her voice is light and soft, but Draco's heart drops into a pit of dread.

"Oh?" He wills his voice to stay steady despite the fear that now rushes through him.

"Mhmm. It was like a slideshow of memories playing through my mind. All things that have happened. Except for one." Draco stops breathing. "One memory was different from how I remember it happening."

"How so?" He's barely able to get the words out.

"It was a memory of fourth year. When you and Harry dueled outside of the potions classroom and your hex hit me. You laughed and made fun of me, but in my dream, you did something that you didn't do when it really happened." She pauses and Draco dreads the next words that are about to come out of her mouth. "You apologized to me."

Despite trying to remain natural and calm, his thumb is momentarily still against the back of her hand when she says this. He quickly resumes his movements, but it's too late. She's already noticed the change in him.

Hermione promptly sits up into a straight-backed position, her head leaving his shoulder and she pulls her hand out of his. Draco slowly turns his head to look at her and is met with an accusatory glare. A glare that is also deeply rooted in hurt.

"It wasn't just a dream, was it, Draco?" She whispers harshly, moving farther away from him.

"Hermione," he pleads, reaching out to touch her, but stopping when she throws her hand up in denial of his request.

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