You're a Sky Full of Stars

114 1 1

June 1998

Hermione sits in the library, books sprawled in front of her as she attempts to focus on her work, but her eyes are unseeing as she stares at the pages. Her mind is too occupied with thoughts of Draco and the conversation that he's having with Kingsley down in the sitting room. Logically, she knows that she can't be there, that he can't know about them or their relationship. But that doesn't stop the worry that simmers within her, the anxiety of not knowing how the new Minister is reacting to this news eating away at her. Her fingers nervously twist together as her hands rest on the pages before her.

"You did the right thing, Hermione."

Forgetting that Narcissa is sitting across from her, Hermione jumps slightly at the sound of her voice. Then, looking up, she sees the older witch giving her a small smile. She gently closes the book in front of her and stretches across the table to clasp Hermione's hands into her own, stopping Hermione from twisting her fingers together. Narcissa gives her hands a motherly squeeze before she continues speaking. Hermione's heart skips with a beat of belonging. She had forgotten what it felt like to be comforted by a mother.

"I know that you're the one who pushed for Draco to be the one to inform Minister Shacklebolt about what my sister has done. But, unfortunately, my husband's actions and behaviors toward him have had an extremely negative impact on my son, and he refuses to see his own worth – refuses to believe that anyone else can see his worth as well, resigning himself to the idea that he's condemned to live a life of shame."

Hermione's heart clenches as sorrow floods through her. She doesn't want to believe what his mother is saying, but she can't deny it – she's seen the way that he begins to shut down at any talk of what will happen after his trial. Because no matter how confident Hermione is that they will find a way to win, she can see that Draco doesn't believe it. She's brought back from her thoughts when Narcissa continues speaking.

"Well, I do think he believes that you see his worth." The Malfoy matriarch smiles warmly at Hermione, her blue eyes filling with motherly appreciation. "And I know that even if his mind is convincing him that there is only an Azkaban sentence awaiting him, the fact that you believe otherwise will ensure that he fights for the outcome you and I both know he deserves. He may hate parts of himself and believe that he deserves it, but his love for you is stronger, and he will do anything for you."

Narcissa reaches out to smooth the curls out of Hermione's face; the motherly touch working to calm her bubbling anxiety. She is about to tell Narcissa about the most recent findings in her research, but Pippy's loud crack of apparition interrupts her.

The little elf quickly makes her way to their table and sets down a tray containing a kettle, two teacups, and a plate of biscuits. She places the first cup in front of her Mistress and then the second in front of Hermione. Grateful for the comfort that her favorite tea always provides her, she eagerly brings the cup to her mouth. She is slightly disappointed when it's not Earl Grey that passes between her lips. Pulling it away, she looks into it, frowning at the liquid.

"Miss not be needing caffeine right now, oh no," Pippy explains as she wipes her hands on her pink dress before grabbing some of the biscuits from the plate. "Miss be too worried, must stay calm, so Pippy be making Miss Chamomile."

Hermione smiles gently at the elf's concern for her and watches as Pippy places one biscuit in front of Narcissa. When the elf places three biscuits in front of Hermione, she lets out a small chuckle.

"Thank you, Pippy, but I think just one biscuit will be sufficient for now."

Her big brown eyes flicker up to meet Hermione's gaze, but the elf ignores what she says and grabs a fourth one to give to her.

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