1 - HER

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[Chapter 1]

I am a disappointment to my parents.

For the past 24 years, I've been the master of not living up to my Asian parents' hopes and dreams. Becoming a doctor, engineer, or lawyer was about as likely as me discovering a hidden talent for flying without wings. Instead, I found myself in a college that was probably looking for warm bodies to fill their seats, and somehow managed to land a degree.

While my pals were busy aiming for the stars-doctors, engineers, lawyers-I was like, "Nah, I'm good." My college acceptance letter probably got lost in the mail or something, and I somehow ended up in a tier-three college doing business.

Don't get me wrong; it's not that I don't have ambition; it's just that my life's GPS is on a never-ending joyride to the land of "Whoops, that wasn't the plan!"

Now, let's not point fingers at my dear parents-they immigrated from South Korea with dreams of a better life. Instead of fulfilling their hopes of me becoming the next wonder child, I decided to dance to my out-of-tune tune. Cue the guilt trip every time I look at them; they got a Honda when they were expecting a Porsche.

Oh, mom's nagging-the evergreen melody of disapproval. She must have won the gold medal in the nagging Olympics! I couldn't blame her, though. My cousin gets into Harvard University for pre-med, and I'm still trying to figure out how to become an adult without falling flat on my face.

As I juggle student debt and a workplace where someone hops jobs like a game of musical chairs, I've become quite the connoisseur in the art of "managing on the bare minimum." Who knew adulting came with their very own survival manual?

"Stop taking anger out on your poor keyboard," Travis chimed, his annoying presence filling the room like an unwanted stench.

"Travis, do me a favor and take your annoying aura somewhere else," I retorted, rolling my eyes at his presence that invaded the room like a pesky fly.

And what a coincidence that he happened to be my best friend, and I was itching to punch someone-preferably his pretty blonde face.

"Oh, please, Daisy, your glare's got nothing on Medusa's," he teased, clicking his tongue.

As if life wasn't cooking up enough irritation, Travis dropped a bombshell in the middle of my daily dose of chaos. "Hey, have you heard the latest? Our beloved company got sold!" My mind hit turbo mode, and my eyes shot lasers at him.

"What the fuck!" I blurted out, reaching new vocal heights that probably shattered a few eardrums in the cubicle. Smooth move, right?

But I've always been a master of embarrassing situations, so I flashed an awkward smile to the curious onlookers, turned away, and aimed my best glare at Travis, who seemed to be having the time of his life stifling laughter.

Recently my company had a favorite pastime: laying off workers left and right. And there I was, engaging in my daily ritual of desperate prayers, hoping I wouldn't be the next victim in their game of employment roulette. After all, a girl's got some very serious priorities to attend to-I had books to buy and fictional men to simp over.

"Lucky us, huh? The new boss is keeping us all on board," Travis grinned. I released a sigh of relief I didn't even know I was holding.

"But seriously, why weren't we informed about this change beforehand?" I questioned him, feeling slightly annoyed. He responded with an eye roll.

"Ah, my dear friend, welcome to the corporate world, where giving two weeks' notice before leaving a job is a polite gesture, and companies can fire us without batting an eyelid. These bitches give zero fucks about us," he said with a cynical smirk.

I slumped back in my chair, realizing the harsh truth in his words. "So, spill the beans. Who's this mysterious new boss?"

Travis leaned in a conspiratorial glint in his eye. "Ah, that's the million-dollar question. Our new overlord is some big-shot control freak roaming the halls as we speak, visiting every floor like a corporate detective. He wants to know everyone, and I mean everyone." He paused dramatically, his hand resting on my desk.

Our manager's words echoed through the office like an impending storm. "The new boss is here. Everyone, on your feet to greet him."

Travis and I exchanged knowing glances, both sighing in unison as we reluctantly got up. The anticipation in the air was palpable as we fixed our eyes on the entrance, waiting for the mysterious new boss to make his grand entrance.

In true corporate fashion, a line of guards marched in first, followed by a parade of high-ranking executives. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the dramatic flair.

And then, there he was-the moment we all had been waiting for. The cubicle fell into pin-drop silence as everyone held their breath, awaiting the revelation of our new boss.

My heart skipped a beat as I heard the crisp, confident footsteps approaching. My face turned as pale as a ghost's as my eyes locked onto a familiar pair of cerulean eyes-eyes I had dreamed of never seeing again for the past six years.

My heart dropped. I wanted to faint.


I am back!

Hope you enjoy Book 2 in the LOVE series.

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