(14) Yoongi sunbaenim

Comenzar desde el principio

"Yoongi sunbaenim!"

he called, feeling a little shy.

Suga turned around, surprised to hear Jungkook's voice...He waited for jungkook to walk up to him...

"Hey, Jungkook. What's up?"

"Nothing much...I just wanted to apologise for that day...I...We didn't mean to-"

He heard yoongi chuckle

"It's okay...I forgave you"

"Thanks a lot...But...You? Here? I mean...You don't come to university often...Like it's a rare sight to see you here"

"Ah...Just had to submit these papers..."

"Oh I see"

Jungkook took a deep breath, feeling nervous...

"Um, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime? Maybe grab some coffee or something? "

Yoongi smiled at him, and Jungkook felt a flutter of excitement in his stomach.

"Sure, that sounds great. How about tomorrow at 4?"

Jungkook nodded eagerly.

"Yeah, that works for me."

"You can have my number"

Yoongi offered but Jungkook just grinned

"Ah no I have yours-"

He bit his tounge when realised that he disclosed something that was meant to be a secret..

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows

"I...I asked taehyung sunbaenim for your number...Because I wanted help in something"


But the reality was...He begged, threatened, annoyed hobi for that number

"So...I'll meet you tomorrow?"


Jungkook rubbed the back of his nape, Shyly

As they made plans to meet up, Jungkook couldn't help but feel like he was on cloud nine.

He had never been this excited about hanging out with someone before.

After saying good bye to each other, Jungkook watched yoongi leaving...As soon as He left...Kook jumped while squealing like a kid...

As he walked towards his next class...He kept glancing back in the direction where yoongi just went...


Jungkook walked into his classroom, ready for another day of learning...Well he never liked it but today, He was in a good mood...So he didn't mind
... But as he looked around, he noticed something was off. The teacher wasn't there yet.

"Hey, where's the teacher?"

he asked his friends Jimin and Hobi, who were sitting at their desks.

"I don't know, maybe she's running late,"

Jimin shrugged.

"Yeah, but what are we supposed to do in the meantime?"

Hobi complained.

Jungkook looked around the room and saw that some of his classmates were already goofing off, throwing paper balls at each other and chatting loudly.

"We could always start a dance party,"

he suggested, wiggling his hips.

Jimin and Hobi laughed.

"Jokes apart...we have something else we need your help with."

"What is it?"

Jungkook asked, intrigued.

"We don't have anyone to play the instruments for me,"

Jimin said, looking worried.

"Wait, what? Why didn't you guys tell me sooner?"

Jungkook exclaimed.

"Because We, Ourselves, Just realised that"

Hobi said sheepishly.

"I can play guitar...If you want..."

Jungkook told, Taking a seat besides Hobi

"Even I can play a guitar"

Jimin reminded him

"What about you, hobi?"

"Bro can barely play a triangle"

Jimin taunted making Jungkook chuckle

"Yah! How dare you say this!"

"That's true...The last time we performed together...You were playing a triangle...And you missed 6 beats!"

Jungkook argued and Hoseok just scoffed


kook grinned.

"Well, I guess I have no choice then. What do you need me to play?"

"Can you play the guitar and the drums?"

Jimin asked hopefully.

"I can play guitar"

Jungkook said confidently.

"Awesome! We owe you big time,"

Hobi said sarcastically

"Don't worry...I'll look for someone who can play drums"

He assured Jimin, Taking his books out for the lecture

Jimin was about to say something but Just then, the teacher walked in, looking flustered.

"Sorry for being late, everyone. Let's get started on today's lesson."

But Jungkook couldn't focus on the lesson anymore. He was too busy daydreaming about tomorrow's date with yoongi...
While Jimin was busy daydreaming about Taehyung and hobi...He was busy thinking How a hippopotamus would look while riding a bicycle...


Hobi is me...Me is hobi fr

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