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Closing my eyes, I allowed the warm water to run down my back..

Offering some relief to my fresh wounds and numerous scars.. The scent of blood filling the room.

The mist spreading around the room blinding my vision while my mind felt numb.

Empty, blank just like a dead person's mind. Nothing left except emptiness.

The water run down my body, soft and gentle offering my soul warmth.

The ache in my body slowly disappearing as if it was never there.

The weight on my shoulders from carrying constant trauma fading away with the flow of the warm water.

Yet the scars on my body were a reminder that the pain and ache was real.

I knew the moment I went out again. The ache and pain would come back like crashing waves without mercy.

Yet I smiled softly accepting this temporary relief I felt. Cherishing it like my last breath...

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