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Lurking in the dark corners of my mind are shadows.

Shadows of my past haunting my mind with memories I wish I could erase. Yet I knew I needed these memories for they contributed to the person I became today.

Still.. reliving those memories again and again in my dreams. Waking up in the middle of the night with nothing but the shadows of my past tortured my soul.

Yearning and hoping for those shadows to stop clawing at my heart with those images. I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply compelling myself to sleep.

Yet they never left. The dark shadows kept twirling like sharp thorny vines around my heart till I bled to death inside of me.

Preventing me from ever forgetting those painful memories. Having no one, I slowly gave in to the dark shadows in me.

Turning into black like them. And now I live like the shadows of my past. Dark, lost and empty...

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