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I closed my eyes finally giving in to the immense pain I feel in my soul.

The painful wounds inflicted upon my soul burning my insides

My tears flowing freely while I allowed the agony and pain in the depths of my soul to cloud my mind till I felt numb

The ache in my heart never fading. The pounding in my head unbearable yet I remain breathing and living.

Why? I kept muttering under my breath. Why this life if I am destined to only suffer?

I was met with nothing except the silence and my slow breathing. A silent answer that I was simply meant to live despite everything.

I exhaled softly knowing it was both a blessing and a curse to live despite not wanting to.

Feeling every emotions deeply and wishing to die yet Iiving while the agony in my soul kept on increasing with each passing day...

Dark Poems जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें