The growth that he'd been seeing her go through, it pushed him to want to do better — not only for himself, but for her as well.

"It's been my best honeymoon phase too, because even though you frustrate me, it's in you frustrating me, that I grow as a person, and learn you. Even though I was attracted to you when we first crossed paths, I never saw us here."

"On a real note though!" She placed her half closed fist against her mouth, "I just wanted to strangle you on day one, wasn't even thinking about you being fine."

He threw his head back in laughter. "Should have known that day that I'd finally met my match."

Her heart swelled at the sound of his words, so much so that a three word sentence almost tumbled out of her mouth.

However, she could not allow her heart to admit to her brain the reality that was about to come to life. Neither could she allow herself to admit such words to Hendrichs, not when the time was so short.

"Don't make me fall for you now, with your sweet words that make my soul smile." She playfully rolled her eyes, a wide grin on her face.

He took her hand, intertwining it with his, keeping his eyes on their hands. "They aren't just sweet words though, I mean everything I ever tell you."

She visibly swallowed, a wave of how serious this was hitting her. "Then I feel like..."

"Like?" His thick lashes swiftly moved, as he looked up to meet her eyes again.

"I feel like I'm slowly..." She swallowed again, fear crippling her ability to speak so smoothly and confidently.

"I feel like I'm where you're at as well. I get what you're saying." He helped her out, having seen the fear that was in her eyes.

"I'm slowly falling for you Hayes. So fast. I feel like I'm going to crash and burn." The rawness of her confession could not be missed, neither could her widened eyes as she looked at him.

Her throat felt like it was dry. She'd literally shown him her ace. She'd completely been vulnerable with him.

"Looks like we'll be crashing and burning together sweetpea, because I'm falling for you as well, if I haven't already." A small smile sat on his face, as their eyes danced together from side to side.

"I'd ask you to kiss me right now, but I'd have to arrest you for public indecency with the way I'm feeling." She boldly told him, biting the corner of lip.

He laughed, rolling his eyes. "Why am I the only one being arrested officer when you're the one feeling unholy?" He raised an eyebrow, and she sucked her teeth before smiling at him.

"Did you bring my clothes sir?" She placed her foot inside the car before taking her seat.

"I did not get the chance to, but before you get all annoyed and bite my neck off, we'll quickly pass through the mall and get you a pretty dress and sandals." He smiled.

"I mean...can't turn down free clothing." She smiled, and he shook his head before closing the door for her.

It didn't take time before he was in his seat, and starting the ignition of the car. "Ready?"

She let out a breath, a nervous smile climbing onto her face. "As ready as I can be. It's your whole entire family, and I'm the new fish in the tank."

"Mike, Amaru, and Logz are all there as well, it's not just my family." He told her, driving off from the side of the road.

"I hope you told your homie that he better not try talk to me. I know people can get bold when you're trying to have manners." She looked at his side profile, her tone monotonous. The switch in it did not surprise him at all, up until this day Shanae still refused to say anything beyond hello to Amaru.

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