What goes around comes around (Part 2)

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We all trailed behind the infamous Magnus Bane, with Jace waddling off like a deranged penguin.

"You shouldn't be so hard on him", Alec commented.

He could not be serious. Jace had been nothing but an asshole, and suddenly I was the problem. Maybe I was? But I had a reason to be pissed off.

"Why?", I asked.

"He's had a hard life. If you hadn't noticed he's adopted. He watched his father die right in front of him, so of course he has some trust issues", he explained.

That did logically make sense. But his little digs, did get to me. No matter how strong I acted, an actor can only wear a mask on for so long, before the facade cracks and crumbles.

I'd had a hard life, and I wasn't an asshole.

We entered a grand room. The floor was embellished with arachaic marking. A large table, adorned with gold detailing, and ceramic bowls stuffed with all sorts of strange and foreign items had been meticulously placed in the centre of the room.

Magnus was searching through a book shelf, till he pulled out a large green book. It took a couple seconds to look through the glamour.

I felt dizzy.

An image. Isabelle laughing. Vampires surrounding her, Clary jumping off a boat.

"Temp! Temp!", I was being shaken. Alec was shaking me.

"Yes?", I asked.

"Are you alright? Your eyes turned completely dark, a dark black abyss", he said, not sure what he was describing.

There was suddenly a loud slam, as Magnus had snatched the book out of Clary's hands.

"That's not very nice", I joked.

"If she had looked at anymore of those runes, she'd go crazy", he explained.

"Right, all of you out. I need to speak to Temperature alone", he said.

"No chance", Alec said, as he stood in front of me protectively.

I didn't realise he had been holding my hand till I felt a tight squeeze, finally pulling me out whatever trance I'd been stuck in.

"You don't have much off a choice, lover boy", Magnus joked.

Bright blue currents of electricity swam around the room, and suddenly Alec was gone.

I could feel the power in the room, and I certainly didn't hold any of it.

"What is this about?", I asked.

"You're putting them all in danger. Amber, temp, whatever you go by now. You're dangerous. You cannot get implicated with anything from this dark, mysterious world. Do you hear me? If the clave find out what you are.... trust me you'd rather be dead", he said.

"What're you doing?", I asked, worriedly.

"A simple, no... a very complex spell, actually. You won't remember anything, but it might hurt a bit", he warned.

This was not happening.

I bolted and ran towards the window, and fate or luck or whatever was on my side. The latch was loose, and I managed to fling myself out of it, and land in a rose bush. How painfully ironic.

"Temp! Temp!", Alec called out.

"Here...", I said.

A couple iratzes later I was all good.

Although Alec kept babying me. But I was all good. I had to be.

"The vampires have Isabelle", Jace said, appearing from absolutely nowhere with Clary.

"Cool", I said. There was more to it, for sure, but I'd keep those details to myself for now.

"It's just been trouble since you've arrived", Jace muttered.

Seriously? I'd tried to intervene late at night because he had been following my estranged twin around like a creep. But apparently I was the problem?

"Where is he!", Clary shrieked. She was panicking.

"He was here!", she yelled.

"The zipper has been tampered with", Jace said.

"What's going on?", I asked.

"Her mundane friend turned into a rat, because he stupidly drank a faerie drink, like the moron he is, and those damn vampires have kidnapped him, apparently", he said, piecing everything together.

I did agree with him that Simon was a bit of a moron.

"We need to go after him", Clary said.

That was her funeral, not mine, I decided, as I marched off.

I didn't get far. Alec stopped me.

"This is absurd. We are not breaking into a vampires den to save her mundane friend", Alec complained.

"Isabelle might also be there", I reminded them.

"Do you have some witchy sixth sense or something? Unless you are involved? How the heck would you know", Jace accused.

I'd had it with his bs.

"Maybe she saw something", Clary suggested.

"Are you sure you have nothing to do with this?", Clary asked.

"I've just about had it up to here, with Jace and his nonsense. Let me state some facts. Firstly, I've said I have nothing to do with this at all. N O T H I N G. Ok. Secondly, Jace can you back the heck off, and worry about your weird infatuation with my sister. It's freaking creepy", I said.

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