Lost or Broken?

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Breathe. Breathe. BREATHE. BREATHE. Inhale. Inhale. Inhale. Now exhale. Exhale! EXHALE!! Come on Temp... you can fight off two demon hunters. No problem.

"Don't even think about it", Jace warned.

Alec looked enraged. I was another target, for those beautifully deadly pointed arrows of his.

"Temp. Explain. I don't have the patience for any of this", Alec said. Barely restrained. Hands in fists.

"You brought me here. Remember? To ask for my help, or something? But now, you're accusing me of kidnapping. Seriously? This clearly happened whilst we were stuck in that ancient lift. Are all shadow hunters stupid, or are you the exception Alexander?", I said, seething.

The actual nerve of him. I had enough on my plate. The bruises and scars proved that.

I had to go home.

My foster parents wouldn't be very pleased, and I did not need to deal with their bs too.

"I need to go. I have a curfew", I argued.

Jace took slow taunting steps towards me.

Then on top of all of this garbage, as if this couldn't get any worse, Clary arrived in hysterics.

"Jace. She's gone. She's actually gone. There. There was a fire. I need to find her", Clary ranted.

Her dramatics were enough to distract Jace, and Alec briefly. I made a run for the elevator, and frantically pushed buttons. The doors closed just before Alec could reach me.

What did he want from me? I had no clue. Did I care? Absolutely not.

We all have our own problems, in this cruel, cold world.

Everyone has the capacity to be downright evil.

We can all be absolutely horrid.

I choose to be on my own side.

I see it as I deal with my problems, and others can back off.

My phone has 23 miscalls. All from the foster parents. Them. If I told my social worker the nonsense that happens within those four walls.

She'd have a heart attack, and call the police on herself for enabling it.

I constantly reminded myself scars heal. Memories eventually fade. Time ticks. We are all closer to death as the days pass on. So what if I suffer a little? At this point I was numb to it all.

"You really shouldn't have done that", Alec said.

I had clearly run rampant with all of that thinking, my legs stopped moving a while ago.

"I didn't do anything. Alright? I need to go. If I'm even one second late...", I started, then stopped.

"What do you mean?", he asked.

I shrugged, continuing to walk off. I was done with this back and forth. It was exhausting.

He gently stopped me, his hand circled around my wrist, and slowly turned me around.

"Temp. What do you mean?", he asked.

I looked away. His hands cupped my face.

"What do you mean, angel?", he asked.

"Oh I'm no angel", I said.

"Oh yeah?", he prompted, smirking.

"Yes. I don't care about your problems. I have my own to deal with", I said.

"Cut the cryptic nonsense. What are you saying?", he said, making sure I was looking into those navy blue dark eyes. I was lost.

This was getting to personal. I didn't do intimacy.

I tried to move away. He was not having that.

He held my hands instead.

"Now please tell me", he pleaded.
He looked worried.

"I don't get you Alec. One minute you're asking for my help, the next you're accusing me of something. The next minute you seem to care. It's exhausting... I can't do it", I said simply.

I almost broke down. It took everything in me not to burst down in hysterics. He'd already seen me panic. He'd held and comforted me. This was ridiculous. Ridiculous.

"Temp. Look, I don't know what you're thinking just... I'm not very good with words and stuff. Just talk to me. I'll try listen, and we can solve it", he offered.

I started to sob. He held me.

"What's the time?", I asked through sniffles.

"You're ten minutes past your curfew", he said.

I sobbed even harder.

"You're not going back there. I don't care. I'm not letting you", he said.

"Alec... I don't think..", I started.

"I will drag you back. I mean it Temp. I'm not going to willingly put you in danger like that", he said.

"You don't know...", I said.

"The bruises say something. I'm not going to push you... how about we go home?", he asked. His hand extended.

"Sure", my fate was sealed. I was starting to warm up to him. Everything felt right. For now.

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