Another treacherous occurrence

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We arrived at an old, and almost rustic church. I took me a few seconds to peel back what seems to be a glamour.

It was then an incredibly modern institution, and I would've spent longer staring in awe, till I was pulled inside.

"Upstairs now!", Alec said. We rushed into an elevator, and then it got stuck.

"It seems to me, that we'll be in here. For a while", he said.

"Listen all those things that you have seen, for all those years your mundane parents and those what do you call them, therapists told you were a figment of your imagination are true. The shadow world is very real, werewolves, vampires. I'm a shadowhunter, and so are you. We kill demons", he said.

I started to hyperventilate. I hated tight spaces, and this was too much. I couldn't breath. I was dying. My throat was closing up, I was struggling, and I...

I was fine. Alec held me, and comforted me. He told me I'd be fine, that I wasn't alone.

I wasn't alone. I was fine. I wasn't alone.

"It's alright", he said. And it was alright.

The lift suddenly moved, and I awkwardly pulled away.

The doors opened. And on cue, chaos revelled. That seemed to be a theme whenever I was around.


The place was trashed. Is obviously hadn't ever been to the institute before, but it looked damaged beyond repair. And desolate. Very desolate.

Drops. Droplets of blood. A crimson red handprint on the bleached white walls.

And a gasping Jace, trying to catch his breath.

He looked angry. His eyes accusatory, and full of unbridled rage. His fists suddenly clenched. His breathing shallow.

"Why am I here?", I asked.

Jace started laughing menacingly.

"As if you don't know who's behind this mess?", he said incredulously.

I was panicking again. Internally panicking. I had nothing to do with thsi, and I had no clue as to what was going on.

"What's with all the blood everywhere?", I asked.

"They took Isabelle", Jace said.

Alec stilled. He suddenly approached me. Eyes widened, and as furious as Jace.

"It's all your fault", he accused.

It was my fault? Did I do this? Maybe I did? I mean maybe I panicked and provoked a horde of demons to attack people I didn't even know that well.

"Get over yourself. You're in shock", I said calmly.

"Who took Isabelle?", I asked.

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