He shrugged, "Believe me, I have heard way much crazier stories like the daughter of the Beta of Germany marrying her uncle of Sweden but he was her uncle by marriage. It still created a scandal because we believe she killed her aunt to be with him. Or about how an Armanian girl was suppose-"

Zakaria chuckled, "Brother do you really think gossiping is the best? Lizzi would slap you right now if she knew you were. Men are not suppose to gossip." he said, pointing at Tamaz. "He is the biggest gossiper in this world. You want news going on in Europe, you must to go him." he said as both brothers chuckled.

We continued to catch up with each other and it was nice to talk to them. It was always nice to meet new people and they got to know allot of the pack people. Everyone was eating and sitting around listening to music. I felt a hand go on my shoulder and I realized my parents shown up.

I stood up, "Tamaz, Zakaria this is my parents Sofia and Clyde Vaughn. Mom and dad, this is our European visitors Tamaz and Zakaria Donauri." They shook each others hands and I looked around for both of the girls. "Where are Ellie and Emily?"

"Emily had a date and Ellie won't get out of the car." Clyde said, rolling his eyes. "I don't know what's going on with that girl. I never understand teenage girls."

Sofia sighed heavily, "I tried talking to her but she doesn't open up to me. She only opens up to you Mat. Will you go get her out of there?"

I nodded before looking at Tamaz and Zakaria, "I'll be right."


I turned my head to look out the window as Mat walked over and she leaned against the truck. She crossed her arms over the window ceil and gave me a sweet smile, "Hi girly, haven't seen you in awhile."

"I been hiding." I said lowly.

"Obiviously. Clyde and Sofia are worried about you." she said. "Come on, talk to your big sis about it all."

"I wanna crawl in a cave with my laptop and watch Netflex until I'm fifty with pizza." I told her, making her giggle. I sighed heavily, "I really don't know the problem Mat. Aydin is locked up, I don't have to worry about some guy, I have been able to think about other things then Elliot or Ulric, and I have a good family. I don't know what's wrong."

"You're not truly happy." she said, reaching over and caress my arm. "Confusing times are apart of growing up and not knowing when your first shift is can be nerve cringing."

"It's could be tonight at any second. It could start at this moment but it hasn't. The moon is up in the sky and shining so beautiful. Depression really sucks-the word depression is just depressing." I said, snorting as I looked back up at the ceiling of the truck. "I have no motivation to do anything. I wake up in the morning, go to school and come home laying in bed all day. I hardly wanna do any chores. Sofia doesn't think I'm eating enough now and Clyde noticed how pale I'm getting. It seriously just snuck up on me even before Elliot. It just took ending it to realize it but I don't regret it because it would be wrong to waste his time with me. Emily been tried getting me to come with her dress shopping for prom but it hit me that-oh wait, I don't have a date so what's the point?"

"Well what's it gonna take to make this dark shadow get off your shoulders?" she asked.

I looked back at her, "Mat, I know you love to fix things but this is one thing you can't fix for me. I need to learn how to fight it myself."

She frowned at me before sighing heavily, "Alright. I just care about you Ellie and want you to be very happy."

"I know Mat."

I heard some howls of cheering and some of the wolves at the party shifted into wolves running in packs for racing around through Oregon. I saw Elliot clapping hands with some of the boys before shifting into a big wolf and ran off into the forest.

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Where stories live. Discover now