Ch. 15 *My Permission*

Start from the beginning

I don't think I can picture it without him.

A grin forms on his lips. "Why don't we make up for those nights? Say...dinner at my house?"
Dinner? At his house?
I wouldn't mind it.
It means I'll get to meet his mother, his grandpa, and get to know his little brother Sam more.

I nod. "I'd love too. Call me sometime, and we'll plan a night, okay?"
"Okay," he gives me a fist bump and a wink. "See you around Luna."
I wave him goodbye as he takes off down the pathway, disappearing into the crowds of people that seem to get bigger by the second.

I go towards the other direction, walking around without any real desire to do or buy anything.
I just like being out anyway, it feels nice. Smelling the ocean air, hearing the waves crash.

It's all relaxing.

Still, I can't help but miss my old home in Leavenworth Washington.
I miss running into the thick wooded forests, losing myself to nature and its beauty.
The forest will always hold a special place in my heart. No matter where I go.

I turn left and head towards the food court, only to see someone that makes joy rise in my chest.

Star glances around, before her eyes fall on me.
We both run to each other, meeting in the middle and colliding into a tight, long hug.
"I didn't know you'd be here tonight," Star tucks some hair behind her ear. "Won't Mom and Dad worry?"

"Not really," I shrug, not diving into details about Mom's little session earlier.
"They know I'm making friends, and that's what matters."
"Luna..." Star starts to say, her lips parted, but the words not there.
She tries to speak, but I can see it in her eyes what she feels.

It's still all such a shock to her.
That after six years, her little sister randomly found her at a concert.
"Hey," I squeeze her hand, "let's not waste any time."

"What do you mean?" Star giggles, but I take off running down the pathway without waiting for any questions to be asked.
"Let's go have some fun!"
She laughs behind me, but she doesn't hesitate to follow.

After a few moments, we come to a stroll, and she stands beside me.
"Where are the others?" I ask, noticing how those other four aren't circled around Star like they normally are.
"I don't know," she admits, "they should be nearby. They never leave the boardwalk."

"Yeah," I glance around, before my eyes fall on an ice cream booth.
I gasp, grabbing Star's hand and running to stand in line.
"Let's get some ice cream!" I say, before realization hits.
Can she even have human food?

Star glances at me, a soft smile on her face. "Yes Luna. I can eat human food."
Oh...did she just, read my mind?
I look at her a little baffled, but she laughs.
"Did you read my mind?!" I ask, because seriously, if she did,

She shakes her head. "No, I didn't. All I need to do is just read the expression on your face."
Her finger runs down my nose and boops my tip, and I push her hand away, scrunching my face up.

She giggles softly.

"Hello, what can I get for you?"
I look at the man behind the ice cream booth.
"Um..." I scan the selection. Do they have Moose Tracks? That is my to die for favorite ice cream flavor on this planet!

Star steps in. "I'll take a strawberry cone please."
"And I'll have Moose Tracks," I reply, glancing at Star.
She's smiling just a little, swaying her clasped hands side to side as she waits for her ice cream.

I sometimes rub at my eyes and blink multiple times, wondering if this is all just some dream, and I'll wake up.
But she's real.
And she's here with me.

I pay for our ice creams and we take our leave.
Star licks her, while I bite and chew on mine.
She laughs. "Have you ever heard the phrase, 'savor the flavor?',"
"Yeah," I say through a mouthful, "but I don't apply that to ice cream."

She laughs again, nudging me with her shoulder. "No, I guess we don't need to apply that to ice cream." She smiles brightly, before it instantly fades away and she stops walking.
"What's up?" I ask, before my eyes see whose in front of us.
It's all four of the guys, and David is in the front, arms crossed.

"You left." Was all he said.

Her eyes widen, and she begins to stutter.
"I-I'm sorry," she says, eyes looking everywhere but at him, "I just saw my sister and I wanted to spend some time with her."

"You need to tell us first, before you run off, Star," David says through clenched teeth, his fingers digging in his arm.
I want to stand up for her, since she won't stand up for herself.
But Star's hand falls on my shoulder, keeping me steady.

"We have to go," David says, "we've spent too much time here."
"Wait!" I shout, "you can't just leave! Star and I have only hung out for 20 minutes!"
Paul rolls his eyes, but Marko just stares at us--at me anyway--in silence.

Kind of creepy, honestly.

Star exhales softly, turning towards me. "Luna?"
I look at her.
"Um..." She pinches her fingers. "I'm sorry. I know you wanted to hang out."
I did want to hang out. I wanted to hang out for a long time!
I've barely spent time with her!

Add up all the time we've spent together. It's been three hours total.
Three. Hours.
In literally over a week.

I sigh softly. "It's okay, I uh...I understand."
It's a lie, and Star can see right through it.
She opens her mouth to speak again, but David cuts in.

"I give you my word, Luna," he steps in between me and Star, "the next time you see us here, you have my full permission to spend as much time as you'd like with Star."

"You're full permission?" I glare at him. "She's. My. Sister."
"Luna," Star whispers behind him, but I don't pay any attention to her.
I'm tired of him thinking that he owns Star.
Nobody owns her. And if she wants to spend time with me, she can.

David stares at me, a smirk on his face that screams DANGER DANGER!
Before any words are spoken between us, Star takes his arm.
"We should go."
"Yeah," he mumbles, eyes lingering on Star's face. "Let's go."

They all get on the bikes. Star sits behind David, and before they speed away like maniacs, she waves at me and mouths
'one day'

Soon, there gone.
And I'm standing with a half melted ice cream in my hand.
Hopefully, one day I'll spend time with my sister without those four constantly ruining it for us.

For now though, I got an upcoming dinner plan with Michael Emerson.

(Here's a little edit I made of Luna and Star!!!!)

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